Example sentences of "had do [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 I mean , I do n't want any players thinking IMG had done nothing for them .
2 The first was that , with the passage in 1832 of the Reform Bill came the full realisation that parliamentary reform had done nothing for the emergent working class , except to isolate it .
3 For most of the leaders among the Owenites the distinction only showed itself in their recognition that the Bill had done nothing for working people ; that since the prime need , as they saw it , was to act directly to remove the evils of a system which grievously oppressed the lives of working people , the Bill had been at best an irrelevance , at worst a distraction .
4 For — while Sir Felix had nothing much wrong with him except a wild look in his eye sometimes and a tendency to go off in fits of what Gemma had called " unstable " laughter — she had heard certain tales of moral laxity about his brothers and uncles and even one or two of his sisters , which had done nothing for her peace of mind .
5 My sleep had done something for me .
6 It was imperative , as he knew , not to get embroiled in politics , and he had been utterly furious when it appeared that architect Rod Hackney had done it for him .
7 They 're proud of their DIY achievements , which they often find better — and a lot more satisfying — than if a professional had done it for them .
8 They had done it for the joy of creating , without having to look over their shoulder at the censor .
9 In 1987 the role of Lord Mayor was taken by Richard Horner , a local butcher , who had done it for a few years .
10 In those early months he had wanted her to know the magnitude of what he had done and that he had done it for her .
11 The other girls , knowing quite well that she had done it for the benefit of one Geoffrey A. Machin , were shocked and admiring , but the convention restrained them from expressing either shock or admiration .
12 Not for the first time she wondered how on earth her father had persuaded the children to call him ‘ Gamps ’ and decided that he had done it for the sole purpose of driving her mad .
13 I found out later Sonia had done it for her .
14 You could not call what Lugh had done gossip , because he had done it for their own good .
15 Maurin interjected that he had done it for the best , that he suspected she would spread silly gossip and it was sensible to keep her away from the English journalist .
16 Of course it was not certain either that Zoser had done it or that , if he had done it , he had done it for sectarian reasons .
17 But it was as if he had done it for the thrill of it . ’
18 But it was as if he had done it for the thrill of it . ’
19 Uncle Mosse had wanted to be dead there , and since he could n't achieve it for himself , his clothes had done it for him .
20 He had to do something for her .
21 I think that 's why I like children — because there was always somebody smaller than me and I had to do everything for them really when I was younger — feed them , change their nappies …
22 So I mean , not , were n't gon na give us it , but we had to do it for
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