Example sentences of "had not [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The long moralistic campaigns of Mrs Mary Whitehouse directed at BBC television had not made much headway .
2 They turned increasingly to those areas where the British and the French had not made much progress : to the Balkans , Turkey and South America .
3 Since she had not made that fact known to the seller , she lost the case .
4 But if Ashton had not made these very distinctive changes in his ports de bras , the seasonal differences would not have been so notable .
5 Although the company had already agreed to continue paying existing pensioners , it had not made any commitment for past and present employees retiring now and in the future .
6 In the end the loss of the canoe had not made any difference as there was no shipping in the harbour anyway .
7 Chelmsford coroner Malcolm Weir was told American police were still investigating the crime but had not made any arrests .
8 The three asserted that their only observation had been to suggest that because such a rumour was circulating it would be wise for it to be firmly denied or some enquiry made , and that they had not made any allegation against Profumo but only a suggestion for his benefit .
9 But at least if his mother could tell , he reflected , she had not made any sign .
10 Her expression became very solemn , but he was sure that he had not made any real impression .
11 Moorgate Mercantile had not made any representation to Twitchings .
12 He said the men had not made any radio calls for help .
13 Arens insisted that he had not made any requests for US financial aid to cover the costs of the conflict .
14 The only thing she said was that she had not made any friends . ’
15 In fact , there are now more companies with no plans for future investment ( 52 companies ) than companies that had not made any investment over the previous three years ( 43 ) .
16 The Cuban director of immigration had made a great deal of money from previous boatloads of Jews ; the President of Cuba had not made enough money from them .
17 The US Representative for Trade Negotiations , Carla Hills , announced on April 28 , 1990 , that under Section 301 of the US Trade Act Thailand would remain on a priority watch list of countries which had not made enough progress in improving intellectual property protection .
18 In March 1143 Pope Innocent II decreed that its validity was to depend on Ste Barbe swearing that it had been canonical ; he had not made this oath by February 1146 , when Eugenius III suspended Fitzherbert .
19 Sophia , who had not made this flight before , was disappointed that it did not look more like the Italian landscape she remembered from the ground .
20 So far , he had not met any strange animals , terrifying monsters or lost pupils trying to find their way out , and after a few journeys began to feel quite safe as he wandered through the never-ending jungle of passageways .
21 Managing director of Aberdeen Airport at 33 , she had not met any barrier to career progression .
22 It said that its study had not discovered any conclusive evidence on the damage done to humans by low-level exposure , but it stated that the lack of information and knowledge of the effects of exposure to low doses of the chemicals over a long period had led the working party to adopt the precautionary principle that absence of evidence was not evidence of absence .
23 The House found that the defendant had not fulfilled such a duty to take reasonable care and was thus liable to the plaintiff for the damage caused to her health .
24 Age and this way of life seemed to have crept upon her unawares , she had not questioned any of it , scarcely looked back .
25 She had not done that for a long time .
26 The truth shall set you free , but oh , the truth of her past had not done that — it had simply shown her what a selfish , unthinking thing she had been that first Terry Rourke , and then Havvie Blaine could have exploited her so .
27 Even after his first round of 69 , Woosnam was still maintaining that he had not been looking forward to playing , that it had not done much for his confidence and that he was still very nervous with the putter in his hand .
28 Pamela said she had not done much thinking about her parents ' attitudes .
29 Even the advent of the university had not done much to increase his sales , she considered shrewdly , since she could not recall seeing a single bookshelf in any of the homes of university staff which she had visited .
30 Earlier monarchs had spent very little on such things and had not done much about the world outside Europe or about the development of their colonies .
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