Example sentences of "had be make a " in BNC.

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1 The British egg industry had been made a scapegoat for food poisoning by the Government .
2 Yet it is hardly likely that even if links had been made a ramshackle group of peasant armies using antiquated military techniques could have stood out for long against the Red Army .
3 It was stressed last night that Mr Trippier , once Mr Clarke 's parliamentary private secretary , was unaware that a 9 per cent ‘ final offer ’ had been made a week before his letter .
4 The importance of sugar production can be judged from a story dating from 1516 when Simon Gonçalves de Câmara , the Governor of the island , whose son had been made a bishop , sent a present to the Pope of a model of the papal palace with figures representing the whole Court and the Cardinals — all made in sugar .
5 He had lost everything and had been made a ‘ scapegoat ’ by the Government , said his solicitors .
6 This boost did much to wipe out the effect of Balfour 's referendum pledge , which had been made a month before the Reciprocity Agreement and was erroneously believed to be its cause .
7 But by the end of the 1890s , although her work had long been recognized and she had been made a founder-councillor of the London county council in 1899 , Emma Cons was approaching a breakdown caused by overwork , not only at the theatre but in all her other housing and philanthropic efforts ( she was also vice-president of the London Society for Women 's Suffrage , an executive member of the Women 's Liberal Foundations , and a founder of the Women 's Horticultural College at Swanley ) .
8 But the decision made itself , as if it had been made a long time before .
9 It was announced on Dec. 18 that former Foreign Minister Acheikh bin Oumar had been made a special councillor to Déby .
10 When the Supreme Court reconvened for its new session in October , its slim conservative majority had been made a little stronger by the retirement of liberal Justice William J. Brennan and his replacement by David H. Souter [ see pp. 37604-05 ; 37703-04 ] .
11 New Zealand 's Foreign Affairs Minister , Don McKinnon , said that he was " appalled and disgusted " to learn that the agent had been made a knight in the National Order of Merit .
12 In his book Under Fire : An American Story , published on Oct. 22 , North avowed that former President Ronald Reagan not only " knew everything " about the Iran-contra project but also " enthusiastically " backed it , and that he had been made a scapegoat by senior Reagan administration officials seeking to protect the President and themselves .
13 Ben had been made a Companion of Honour in the Coronation Honours List and the very fact that he was writing an opera for the Coronation created jealousy in some quarters .
14 Even now that she had been made a director of the firm , Laura was well aware that it did n't mean that she had a job for life .
15 ‘ It is n't every man who approves of women having ambition , ’ Ashley remarked a touch cryptically — for when she had been made a director several of her male colleagues had found it very hard to handle .
16 Her job had been made a little easier by the price-fixing agreement reached at a recent meeting for European farm ministers .
17 The Boro 's second leading scorer felt he had been made a scapegoat for the home defeat by Watford .
18 The COI also made it widely-known that the shy Blewitt had been made a Freeman of the City of London in recognition of Dunston-based DMB 's skills in tackling the restoration of the city 's Blackfriars Bridge .
19 He had been made an object of fun and a target for abuse .
20 She was a dignified octogenarian aristocrat who had been made an honorary Chief-Corporal in the Regiment since she had served with it in World War Two .
21 As it had been made an exhibit at trial they were entitled to inspect the tape in the jury room , subject to the discretion of the trial judge to prevent e.g. an unedited version containing inadmissible material from being handed over .
22 It is perhaps possible that they might fail to mention that a purely functional muftilik had been made an for Hizir Bey ; but it seems unlikely in the extreme that they should fail to mention his having held a post which , as has been suggested in the previous chapter , was already one of great prestige and which , by Taskopruzade 's time less than a century later , was certainly one of considerable power .
23 A major defence by many of those prosecuted was that the enclosures had taken place before the practice had been made an offence , and although the practice continued after this date there is good reason to believe that this was often the case .
24 ‘ She had been making a noise last season and was Hobdayed during the winter .
25 I had just returned to Los Angeles from the Aleutians where I had been making a film , and I came across Errol Flynn at a party at David O Selznick 's house .
26 Gloucester 's actions after his brother 's death are traditionally seen as the triumph of an over-mighty subject , and it follows that Edward IV had been making a rod for his own back when he allowed Gloucester to become lord of the north .
27 While we had been lording it in the Solent , Alert had been making a name for herself in Shetland as a stand in for Venturous .
28 ‘ Ben had been making a new dress for the end of Act I which he promised to bring to Shepherd 's Bush by 5.45 pm , in time for my appearance .
29 The eyes of four respectable women , bright with friendly interest , were looking eagerly towards him and somehow he found himself unable to explain that he had been making a study of extra-marital relations , detached and scientific though this had of course been .
30 Boucher had been making a habit of beating Britain 's best 10stone 7lb men in Gary Jacobs , Mickey Hughes and Kirkland Laing , and Loughran 's win must be one of the finer British achievements of the past 12 months .
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