Example sentences of "had be [to-vb] a " in BNC.

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1 Her earlier fears had faded and she thought how foolish she had been to let a ridiculous fancy disturb her happiness .
2 Some believed indeed that the original intention of Soviet Mediterranean deployments had been to induce a negotiated withdrawal of the United States ' Sixth Fleet .
3 As Bishop Brinton said , it had been to restore a rightful heir to his kingdom and to defeat tyranny that the campaign in northern Spain had been fought in 1367 .
4 I suppose I had been given a sense of the evil of cinema by my strict Methodist grandparents , who were visibly shocked when once I confessed that I had been to see a film on Sunday .
5 He had been to see a palmist and shown him her photo .
6 Principally the visit had been to see a senior boy with lifelong problems who had suddenly become unmanageable and would have to be admitted to an asylum , but while there he had been asked to assess Anna Beckett , a child who had moved him strangely .
7 One of his ideas had been to take a small naval party with him who would attempt to scuttle a ship in the harbour mouth .
8 The initial aim in forming the DUP had been to create a united unionist party which would be as orthodox in its constitutional position as the Unionist Party of Craig and Brookeborough .
9 Why they were as they were , and what kind of man her great-great-great-grandfather had been to create a place like this .
10 In establishing a Peace Council the aim had been to create a body composed of representatives of associations , political parties , the private sector and the government to design a new peace strategy .
11 The mission had been to penetrate a terrorist base in Libya and eliminate all personnel , which included Salim Al-Makesh , an advisor to the Black June , a movement founded by Abu Nidal in I976 in protest at the involvement of Syria in the Lebanese civil war , and Jean-Jacques Bernard , a senior member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine .
12 All that scuffling had been to move an armchair round to the front of the desk .
13 His first experience in magic had been to give a show at the Miners Welfare hall at the age of 11 .
14 The king 's original intention , goaded by the Pope 's refusal to grant him a divorce , had been to effect a greater lay control of an uncertain church .
15 Mr Bradford , who lived with his four brothers in Western Road , Brentwood , had been to visit a girlfriend the previous evening .
16 Her brief had been to visit a number of Northern provincial collections and select works that would fit neatly within her chosen theme .
17 The Teutonic Knights had indeed penetrated eastwards , but their influence , when it was not military , had been to spread a lifestyle and set of material , cultural and linguistic bearings rather than set in motion the bodily removal and resettlement of vast numbers of Germans .
18 Arguments of this sort which confused the " lower sorts of men " with the " higher sorts of ape " were not simply exercises in increasingly refined scientific discrimination ; they were closely meshed in with an ongoing dialectical debate , the original purpose of which had been to establish a synthesis between the theological doctrine of the Fall and the newly discovered facts of human geography .
19 He thought of his dam that had been to make a lake .
20 There was , however , this to be said : there had been political involvement under Miall in the 1840s but this had been to achieve a narrow , sectarian goal — disestablishment .
21 And Jonathan would never have recognised her as the girl to whom he had become engaged , the easygoing girl whose only concern had been to have a good time , however much money it took .
22 His aspiration then had been to inject a " Schopenhauerian seriousness " into his subject , and the ideal had never been abandoned .
23 In an end-of-year assessment at Westminster , Mr Ashdown admitted that when he became leader , his job had been to stabilise a party ‘ in a fast downward spiral of disintegration ’ .
24 If the objective of his policy had been to maintain a balance of power by opposing the strongest nation in Europe , he was no doubt picking the wrong enemy ; France was the rising power , and later in the century English policy was devoted to holding her in check .
25 The initial objective of the ITE initiative had been to encourage a reorientation of the work supported by ITAB into avenues of relevance to the engineering community , using the existing committee structure as far as possible .
26 She walked on , wondering whose decision it had been to buy a retirement home in such an isolated spot .
27 I recall that two years ago at the NFT he announced that his great ambition as a young man had been to become a movie director : now ( aided by director of photography William Lubtchansky and production designer Chloe Obolensky ) he has made a landmark television film .
28 Their task had been to raid an enemy landing strip at Marble Arch , the British nickname for a vast triumphal arch erected by Mussolini in the middle of the desert to mark the border of Tripolitania .
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