Example sentences of "had be [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The contributors we had are all kind of double-0-seven , cloak-and-dagger types ’ , explained Krishna Littledale , one of the enticers of funds ; ‘ … if you talk very quietly and tell them they ca n't tell anyone about this conference , they will give you a lot more money . ’
2 There had been black bitterness , and there had been a great aching void for longer than she cared to remember now .
3 There had been certain problems with the agency concerned due to political pressure .
4 He had been thirty-two in 1970 ; there had been certain events that were crucial to his life .
5 I read throughout the night , glancing at the bed from where , earlier the same day , I had been certain Francis was watching me .
6 If these had been real Tag Heuer watches they 'd have been worth thousands , but in fact at around 25 pounds each they 're a rip-off .
7 The Taylor report found some responsibility for the tragedy lay with the stadium 's management , some with the fans and some with the South Yorkshire police , and suggested that senior officers had been dubious witnesses .
8 It had been utter surprise and defeat , casualties grievous .
9 Defying the need to slump her head dejectedly on to her arms , to howl long and hard that every minute of this evening had been utter hell and that all she wanted now was to curl up safe and warm in her own bed .
10 There had been 169 executions in US states since the death penalty was restored by the Supreme Court in 1976 , most of them in conservative Southern states , but on April 6 Arizona had carried out its first execution for 29 years , while in March the first execution in Delaware since 1946 had been implemented .
11 These were papers , filling two volumes , left unpublished at Hunter 's death , which Owen dedicated to the Royal College of Surgeons , where from 1837 he had been Hunterian Professor .
12 For goods , there had been tariff-free trade in manufactures since 1972 , but non-tariff barriers would now be removed .
13 The report was published in July 1986 and concluded that apparently there had been little work done on the effects of skill mix on patient services and that " a higher priority should be given by management to achieving the best value for money by the adoption of methods of allocating staffing resources more closely related to the needs of patients and ward objectives .
14 There had been little looting .
15 He had been discharged but a year later there had been little change in his weight .
16 Comparing , for fixed-term contract workers , the results of the 1984 survey with those of the 1980 survey we found that there had been little change .
17 The party managers continued to bewail the organizational weakness of Coalition Liberalism , but there had been little opportunity for organizational collaboration ; one of the few joint ventures , a magazine called Popular View , was abandoned in 1921 because of the impossibility of producing a lively magazine out of continuous compromise .
18 There was an emphasis on the generation of female employment as well as on the general need for diversification but there had been little development by the outbreak of war .
19 There had been little damage to Galilee or Rashidiyeh in the exchange of fire but , not far from the entrance to the Palestinian camp , I was briefly introduced to a man who was described as the ‘ leader of joint PLO forces in Rashidiyeh .
20 In August 1989 William J. Bennett , the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy , had called for the government " aggressively [ to ] implement " random testing of federal workers , but by January 1990 there had been little increase in the numbers tested due to litigation .
21 But there had been little doubt he would go from the moment Micheal Hurley had called during the Thanksgiving holiday to say he had at last been funded for a major operation in the Middle East and would Coleman be interested in going back to Cyprus as a DEA contractor ?
22 Thus the Preface of the Catalogus Plantarum emphasised correct identification as a prime factor for success both in the nursery and the garden , and the text of the work presented a practical guide , suggesting the best uses for the new trees and shrubs with which there had been little experience .
23 Since its construction almost thirty years before there had been little capital investment .
24 Britain had exercised tight control over the entry of aliens for as long as anyone could remember and , anyway , there had been little contact between Germany and Britain for at least nine months .
25 There had been little sign of such popular sentiment at the time of the earlier enclosure — the attitude of John Rous can not be matched elsewhere .
26 There had been little enthusiasm for the renewal of war in Scotland in 1332 , and apart from his victory at Halidon Hill Edward had scarcely distinguished himself on his Scottish campaigns .
27 There had been little luxury in their lives in contrast to Spiro 's second family , who enjoyed the best of everything .
28 There had been little movement — really no improvement at all — in long-term unemployment .
29 There had been little blood , which implied that Newley had died soon after the attack began .
30 There had been little investigation or calling for witnesses .
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