Example sentences of "had tell [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Once the uniforms had told their version in the canteen , he would be a laughing stock .
2 Also , although he would have denied it had any influence at all , Ketura had told him Jeopardy used that court , and that he always practised early .
3 ‘ The doctor had told him contact sport was out , but he was determined to hang in there .
4 Jessie Barnes told the court that the defendant had told her cousin ; ’ You can' ; t run your mouth of at me ’ .
5 She murmured that Nicola Sharpe had told her editor that she had been given a really good story by someone in the Drugs Squad .
6 Another had told her daughter that Miss Outram knew nothing about babies .
7 Nils had told her Madreidetic had n't yet stolen the secret of imminence-awareness from the Company but that was no reassurance .
8 As Chief Inspector Martin had told her mother :
9 She had told her confidante but she had been no help , and how could she approach the Lady Amelia ?
10 Her nightmares had deeply affected Richard , and so Beth had told her husband , ‘ Either they stay close by where I can hear them should they need me … or I 'll arrange for the children , and myself , to move to the east end of the house . ’
11 Yesterday , the court heard that Mrs Gilfoyle had told her husband that a woman friend of his would only move into their home ‘ over my dead body . ’
12 Unfortunately other people in the camp had by then also realised her condition and someone had told her brother .
13 His mother , undressing the panting old man , had told her son not to disturb himself — Yury was almost asleep already .
14 Take Denise , for instance , who had told her boyfriend she was on the Pill when she was n't :
15 Judith Leggett had told her partner Patrick Cartan , 32 , yet again , that she did n't like his awful checked shirts .
16 When she was discharged , she had to go home alone because no one had told her family .
17 ‘ If they had told me Mama was dead , ’ Artemis had told Rosie gravely , ‘ I would have understood , you see .
18 Neither Brian nor I had told our mother about these beatings but now , incensed , I pulled up my shorts and showed him some half-healed scars .
19 When I had told my story to the minister , he introduced me to Ivan Feigelson ( known to his friends as Ika ) , a young medical student of Russian emigré parentage .
20 An office colleague to whom I had told my story , went to Lochinver by train and bus a few months later and stayed at the same cottage .
21 If I had told my grandmother that it is about an extended black family , child abuse and homosexual love , then she would not have touched it ; as it was , she loved it .
22 Apparently he had told my mother and grandmother on Friday evening while they were having their meal . ’
23 ‘ John , ’ Jamie asked when he had told his story , ‘ you wo n't leave her there , will you ? ’
24 It was unclear to what extent he had told his daughter anything about his movements .
25 Mr Robson had told his wife he had been scratched by a woman during a pub fight .
26 He had told his wife that morning over breakfast in their bungalow on the edge of Barashevo and within faint sight of the outer wooden fence of Zone I , that he stood to gain a great prize … not tomorrow , not next week , but he had time , he had months of time to break this bastard .
27 Albert Cruikshank , customs officer at London Airport , had told his wife , Bella , that he knew she was in love with his best friend .
28 He had told his informant to meet him at nine o'clock .
29 His dad had told his grandad 's story with a sort of ironic pride .
30 The year before Hughes had told his audience that
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