Example sentences of "had give she the " in BNC.

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1 Anna had explained , and it had given her the opportunity to describe details her daughter found miraculous .
2 But altogether her uncle Bean had given her the stiffening she needed .
3 She was the organist of a village church , and the freedom from long hours in a shop , or former office work , had given her the opportunity of practising more on her dearly loved organ .
4 ‘ My father called me Breeze , ’ she added , as he seemed interested ; and as she said that her mind went back to the hot summer 's day when her father had given her the nickname which had been adopted by everyone .
5 Mrs Bradford had given her the complete day off for her father 's funeral and she did n't have to be back at the house in Newcastle Place until six o'clock .
6 It seemed as though anger had given her the strength that rest in bed had failed to produce .
7 When he had given her the keys and the egg , and had left her , she first put the egg away with great care , and then examined the house , and at last went into the forbidden room .
8 Her mother , anxious to get to work , had given her the day off school .
9 Fortunately her upbringing had given her the social training to cope with these situations .
10 Adam pointed to a framed cartoon , which he had given her the previous Christmas : a startled businessman gazed at a ghost ; rising from his desk drawer , it said , ‘ I am the spirit of old notes to yourself . ’
11 That wonderful love they had shared and which had given her the precious gift of a son .
12 He looked at her and understood why her parents had given her the name .
13 He had given her the capital for the first one on their twentieth wedding anniversary , when he had already bought a Georgian pendant that he dearly wished her to have , but before he chanced giving it to her he had asked her what she would like , and she told him .
14 Stephen had given her the task of co-ordinating the interiors for the hotel , following the design schemes he had commissioned from a well-known Paris-based designer .
15 She glanced across to Raynor again , and saw him bow his head in brief acknowledgement , and she smiled inwardly , for it was Raynor who had given her the clue , the idea , the knowledge of how to approach his people .
16 It would be typical of Jacqui 's naivety to believe that she was dealing with an honest man who had given her the only copies in existence .
17 Baptiste Taillé had given her the signal .
18 But she was glad of that too , for she might have felt she was honour bound to refuse — she could hardly have consented without shame — but this way , he had given her the most intense pleasure , which crossed her back and forth in waves of shock and fear , redoubling upon themselves and increasing in strength .
19 But if she told them Nina had given her the go-ahead , and Nina discovered the lie , she would be out .
20 She remembered how he had given her the creeps .
21 He had given her the excuse as usual .
22 When Lyddy had gone , Alexandra went to one of her huge wardrobes and from beneath a pile of linen drew out the little morocco volume Aunt Emily had given her the evening of her arrival .
23 Then , too , she had felt rather shy of him since Christmas when he had given her the violets and had tried not to encourage his obvious interest in her .
24 The temptation to put aside the bitterness and suspicion was great , but , after all , she was here for only one purpose , and now Luke had given her the ideal opportunity to pursue it .
25 Her instructor had given her the name of a boy who was selling a sailboard and who would be here in time for the afternoon race .
26 He had held on to her hand as her flight was called , and it had given her the way out without tears .
27 Anne had given her the parcel to post two days ago and she had completely forgotten all about it .
28 It was too late to ring Defence — early evening in London by now — but Maxim had given her the number of one of George 's military clubs and she left the name of Anglam Gateway and its solicitors with the secretary there .
29 When she had finished , she sat down at the kitchen table with the envelope Tracey had given her the night before .
30 Later , after returning home , in bed with his wife , the merchant taxes her about not having told him the monk had given her the money ; she claims that she thought the money the monk gave her was gift , and that she has already used it to buy clothing ; she will pay , she says , her debts to her husband in bed .
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