Example sentences of "had taken the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Dear Maura , she had taken the poor little thing under her wing .
2 It was difficult to make sure I had taken the right things but not too much and I found I could have done with less .
3 No , not so he had taken the right decision .
4 On Oct. 29 an Israeli government commission of inquiry cleared the three crew members , saying that they had taken the right decision .
5 Phil Tufnell celebrates the return catch which disposed of New Zealand 's Dipak Patel , who had taken the long handle to the left-arm spinner in the previous Test
6 About a week after he had taken the stable , a Land Rover swept round the drive at high speed and disgorged its chamber of horrors — his family .
7 It sounded as if her plans had changed at the last minute and , embarrassed by all the trouble Andrew had gone to on her behalf , she had taken the easy way out by returning the keys without a message .
8 She compared the results of students who had taken the regular lecture course with those of students using the computer-based programme and found no statistical difference in the amount of learning .
9 And , just as if he too suspected her caller was Travis , he had taken the diabolical liberty of answering her door himself .
10 Mr Ashdown professed to be delighted that the Tories had taken the Liberal Democrats head on last week , in an attempt to chip away at their support .
11 look in early nineteen forty eight where we are , wh where the land reform process had taken the Communist Party tt and then we could begin to look forward to where policy was going to go from there in terms of the military , political , economic , ideological future and what I 'm going to do today to , to begin with anyway is , is to just consider where we are and where it is we 're gon na go and in a sense we could , it might be helpful to , to put ourselves back in a position of being the central committee again .
12 Many had great dents in them , as if they had been drawn through fences and over walls , and had taken the rough side of the hill .
13 Out of the blue , the Scotland midfield schemer Don Masson , who had missed a penalty in the game against Peru , approached McLeod and admitted that he too had taken the banned drug .
14 True , his editor had taken the surprising step of allowing him to pursue this story all the way to London .
15 Finally , in October 1119 , the pope had taken the decisive step of consecrating the archbishop of York himself , without any reference to Canterbury 's claim , and it was at last clear that unless some quite new influence could be brought to bear on the question , the primatial position of Canterbury as an active instrument of organization was finished .
16 Mr Clare was telling his son about the new d'Urberville family who had taken the ancient name and lived near Trantridge .
17 Dolly had taken the young gipsy girl to her heart once it was established she would not be marrying Seb .
18 It had decreed that many years ago , and if they had taken the appropriate rent rises in steps and phased them in , this sudden large rise , which is causing hardship , would not have happened .
19 He would tell friends that , if , after he had taken the Civil Service Competition in 1946 , he had been offered the Treasury instead of the Ministry of Civil Aviation , he would have stayed in Whitehall and eschewed a political career .
20 White South Africa had taken the black men , herded them into workers ' barracks and townships , kept them supplied with beer and prostitutes , then sent them back home with their rand , their tuberculosis and their venereal disease .
21 Seventy per cent of those continuing their studies were staying on In the same institution where they had taken the Advanced Course : the rest were changing institutions .
22 Few people in Polruan knew much about what went on behind the big iron gates that guarded the entrance to Roscarrock Hall , because Sir Gregory had taken the prudent step of making his household almost self-sufficient , and traders were seldom required to call .
23 Her mother had been a famous courtesan , doted on by all Cairo but in particular by Nuri , who , though a mature man , had taken the reckless step of proposing that she become his wife and a member of his harem .
24 The protector had taken the Great Seal , returned by the queen-dowager that very morning , and given it again into the chancellor 's care .
25 But he had taken the great step .
26 And was it for this awfulness that she had taken the great jump that would divide her from the rest of her life , that she could never go back to , for this she had put herself beyond the pale and ruined her life ?
27 Nora Simpson had taken the early bus to Chollerton to do her weekend shopping .
28 An official at Retix said , ‘ if these companies had taken the entire product , the industry would have seen transaction processing interoperability a lot earlier . ’
29 Only the other day it was reported that a young mother of a seven-year-old child had taken the Territorial Army to court for refusing to let her become a paratrooper … and won !
30 The universities had taken the opposite view .
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