Example sentences of "had seen in the " in BNC.

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1 Saad 's family rushed to try and have their revenge on the witness who had announced the news like someone possessed , and who cared less about Saad 's death than about convincing the whole community of what he had seen in the hut that burning noonday .
2 We would spend the afternoon re-enacting in the parking lot behind the apartment what we had seen in the morning on the screen .
3 Mostly they were second-rate copies of the kind of American bar-room R&B bands the members of these pub bands had seen in the days when they had a bit more going for them and had actually made it to the States one time in the late sixties or early seventies .
4 Tromsø had no more snow than we had seen in the autumn , but it was colder .
5 He said the police were talking to everyone Angie had seen in the two weeks before she … well … vanished , and so far had come up with nothing .
6 It carried the same headline as the one Mungo had seen in the train : ‘ BIRD 'S HEAD CLUE TO GIRL 'S DEATH .
7 It reminded him of the zombies he had seen in the horror film at the Empire .
8 Albert Speer , the ambitious , calculating , and rational power technician who had climbed to the top of the ladder , and who distanced himself most clearly from Hitler at Nuremberg and in his memoirs , admitted that he had seen in the Führer something approaching ‘ a hero of an ancient saga ’ and , after the victory in France , as ‘ one of the greatest figures in German history ’ .
9 Eventually they approached the figure Endill had seen in the distance .
10 What Maria had seen in the humpbacked and dreary little tailor she would never know .
11 The box was always somewhere on the floor by his bed , and was tied up with a bow , as if it was a precious parcel or a gift intended for a special person ; the bow was tied from a length of scarlet nylon ribbon which Boy had seen in the dustbin outside a florist 's , and had stolen , and taken home and ironed , having sensed at once that its splendid colour made it suitable for the tying up of this very special box .
12 The situation was confused for him by the fact that many of the people he had seen in the church of Gesù Nuovo , the ones who had come to pray and adore , were dressed in rags .
13 Although still on the top floor , they now had lifts , or rather elevators , to take them up and once inside the dressing-room each Girl had her own mirror well lit by bulbs surrounding three sides just as they had seen in the films .
14 Corbett concentrated on the mystery surrounding King Alexander 's death but the visions he had seen in the Pictish village returned to haunt him .
15 They crashed through their set as if they were in a competition to see who could get through the most songs in the shortest time , sounding like an unrehearsed version of the group Charlie and I had seen in the Nashville .
16 He explained away the list of things that Waddell had seen in the Ross 's house as having been published at the trial or in the newspapers , which was not the case .
17 Admission into the complex followed a similar pattern to that I had seen in the English prisons : searches , registration , allocation , different coloured uniforms for the various categories of prisoner , etc .
18 There was a huge plate of mince pies , golden brown and dusted with sugar , a tall jug of milk , a pink ham , and slices of bread thickly spread with the lovely , pale , sweaty butter Carrie had seen in the dairy .
19 I understood what I had seen in the dream when I learned the words " gaberdine " and " mahogany " ; and I was born in the year of the New Look , understood by 1951 and the birth of my sister , that dresses needing twenty yards for a skirt were items as expensive as children — more expensive really , because after 1948 babies came relatively cheap , on tides of free milk and orange juice , but good cloth in any quantity was hard to find for a very long time .
20 It was the policewoman she had seen in the police station .
21 M. Chaillot was by now unexpectedly by my side , opening a huge satin-covered box of chocolates of the cream-filled variety I had seen in the local shop .
22 Perhaps symbolic is the typical picket line of today ; people in high spirits shouting slogans and singing to the beat of a salsa band as they march defiantly under the eyes of the police contrast with the solemn processions of strikers we had seen in the 1940s , walking through the streets in silence and in proper order , as if to create any disturbance was a mark of poor breeding .
23 Gedanken suddenly remembered the roll of rubber sheeting — the one she had seen in the corner of the laboratory .
24 She included in her discontent each miscarriage of her own generosity , but nothing was so bad as what she had seen in the farmyard .
25 Louis XIV had seen in the last days of his reign the growing pointlessness of the traditional Franco-Austrian antagonism , but his efforts to achieve some agreement with the Habsburgs were not followed up by his successors .
26 He sighed heavily , and Belinda was about to ask what was wrong — after all , they were still friends , in spite of what she had seen in the garden tonight , and her revelation of feeling should n't dictate this new reticence — when he spoke at last .
27 In all her short life Sally-Anne had never before encountered the squalor which she had seen in the few days since she had arrived in these poor streets in the hinterland between London Docks and Stepney .
28 from the back seat the voice of the colonel I had seen in the subway said , ‘ Wo n't you get in , English ? ’
29 Not only that : his was the round , jolly face he had seen in the window the day he had been hit on the head outside the room where he had been watching the Occultation of the Twenty-fourth Imam of the Wimbledon Dharjees .
30 More images whirled through Loretta 's head — the figure she had seen in the bed , a body being dragged to the door , herself in handcuffs waiting to board the ferry .
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