Example sentences of "had been at [art] " in BNC.

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1 The length of time for which the earth had been at a temperature suitable for life was estimated at not more than a million years .
2 While they were there , Peggy ( who had been at a boarding school in Pretoria ) was able to resume her ballet classes .
3 He had achieved his aim of recreating the days of his ancestors , at least in part , but it had been at a great cost .
4 There had been a recent incident involving my younger brother , Russell , who had been at a party and on his way home been accosted by a group of men that he knew , who were in a car .
5 The worst moment of all , he thought , had been at a quarter to nine that morning , when he had been roused from the bottom depths of heavy , dream-tangled sleep by the door bell , and when , having stumbled across the room , still not knowing where he was or what was happening , he had found Mrs. Mounce at the door , asking if she could do any shopping for them .
6 When the War Office discovered in 1881 that Clarke had been at a home station for twenty-seven years , it ordered him to sever his connection with the Ordnance Survey and take up a post in Mauritius .
7 He 'd arranged to meet her at in the West End , he told me , but had been at a loss for a suitable landmark as a meeting place .
8 Once had been at the theatre , when she had walked into the foyer and received a thoroughly unpleasant jolt when she had seen him standing only yards away , and the second time had been at a party .
9 Earlier in the evening the first year food technology student , who had heart surgery in 1987 , had been at a disco in the Students Union .
10 She had been at a Women 's Aid conference in London all weekend , and she was tired and depressed .
11 The Dimblebys had been at a loss for words .
12 ( He is certainly the first pope for whom we have direct evidence that he had been at a centre of learning . )
13 His clothes suggested that he had been at a party and was anxious to get back to it .
14 He had been at a ‘ knickers-off ’ party which he heard might be raided by the police .
15 Sir Patrick , welcoming Irish Foreign Minister Dick Spring , rejected suggestions that relations between both Governments had been at a low ebb after their last talks in July and stressed that both were treating the worsening security situation ‘ very seriously ’ .
16 Resisted and resented though he had been at every turn , he nonetheless detected a direction to his enquiries that promised to become an unwavering course .
17 Mr Murphy was released yesterday after statements were produced in court from witnesses who said he had been at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in Uxbridge , west London , at the time of the bombing .
18 ‘ Ach , come on , you would think I had been at the whisky already .
19 Nobody was quite sure how many degrees he had started and not finished , not even Boris , but he had been at the place so long he could remember when they used to spell it Freshmen 's Fair .
20 However , Sheila Payne , from the Department of Psychology , University of Exeter , has discovered that women being treated for breast or ovarian cancer were much more anxious half-way through their treatment than they had been at the beginning .
21 In short , Ulster remained more of a violent backwater , removed from the mainstream of British social development , at the end of the 1970s than it had been at the start of that troubled decade .
22 All three came from the Midlands and had been at the sharp end of the business as salesmen for distribution companies .
23 By the late 1930s , the birth rate was about three-quarters of what it had been at the end of the First World War .
24 Ari found it was strangely comforting to be told how confused Ewan had been at the time he 'd turned his back on his family .
25 Across the emptying room another hurt mind had been at the same moment of time glanced by unwanted evocations of shabby Forest sheep nudging together in a brick shelter on a high road through the trees .
26 After the 1987 election , scarcely more than a tenth ( eleven per cent ) of MPs had been at the school .
27 Thinking of Minnie was to think of days long ago when she had been at the centre of things .
28 Part of my later training had been at the hands of an ex-SAS instructor whose absolute priority for survival was evading the enemy ; and with doubt but also awareness of danger I guessed at an enemy above our heads , not a saviour .
29 A retired postman who claimed to have been present at the Battle of Studley Constable was interviewed on television , and I still receive the occasional letter from Germans and Americans claiming that fathers or uncles had been at the ‘ battle ’ .
30 It was not until 1837 that the beautiful pair of wrought-iron gates , which had been at the entrance to Heathfield House , facing Turnham Green , were purchased by the Duke of Devonshire for the main entrance to Chiswick House , created as the alternative to the old main entrance off Lord Burlington 's Lane .
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