Example sentences of "had been no [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 After ten years of service , providing there had been no problems , the emigrant could continue living in Curação without working for the petroleum company , providing he had a job .
2 There had been no problems at home .
3 Seb assured the older man there had been no problems during the night , but added , ‘ I am worried about the stock , especially the sheep in the pen behind the barn . ’
4 The second show of the evening went ahead as though there had been no problems .
5 In reply to a question from Coun. Alan Robinson , Mr Collin said there had been no problems finding time for special poll tax sessions at the magistrates court .
6 The headmaster said that there had been no problems until the introduction of television .
7 There had been no problem in having Eve brought up as a Catholic , since the Westwards had never wanted to know about her at all , and did n't care what faith she was raised in just as long as they never had to hear her name .
8 There had been no problem in finding a matching replacement for the cut piece ; a hardware shop in Inverness had supplied it , and it had taken only a few minutes to fit .
9 It is worth posing additional questions to promote discussion some that have been found to be useful are : If there had been no problem with the purchase of the bacon-curing business what would you have done with the £500 paid to the accountant ?
10 In the school system we have the possibility of schools opting out , although by 1990 there had been no rush to do so .
11 I 'd forgone breakfast because I had n't got to bed till four in the morning , lunch because I had a hangover and anyway I was late for the train , and due to the fact that it was — according to British Rail at any rate — still part of the extended Festive Period , there had been no buffet trolley on the train .
12 The historical reasons underlying the emergence of these principles , as explained by Dixon J. in Yerkey v. Jones , 63 C.L.R. 649 , may explain why cases , in which there had been no disposition of property by the surety wife but merely the acceptance by her of a contractual obligation to pay her husband 's debts , did not attract the same approach as the cases in which security over property had been given .
13 Zobel said that there had been no approaches from Japanese companies wanting to work in the OMI .
14 However , there had been no reports of such activity by the end of the month .
15 Bottles were being returned to retail outlets by members of the public and there had been no reports of problems , she said .
16 There had been no reports of wildlife or fish being affected , said the spokesman .
17 It had been no hardship to sit and talk horses with her by the hour but he certainly had never expected his friendship to be so handsomely rewarded .
18 Harvey said later that he thought the decision had been harsh and added that there had been no warning given about time-wasting before the game , although he accepted that Tyson could have mentioned it to the players during the match , a fact confirmed by the referee as he left the ground .
19 There had been no transformation , as so often there had been , but instead a marked decline in her powers .
20 But there had been no reference to them in the detailed report of Surrendered Ex-Enemy Personnel sent up by 5 Corps to Eighth Army two days earlier , on 15 May [ KP 112 ] .
21 Even his marriage to Primaflora in some way had charmed them although , of course , there had been no opportunity for her to visit either Episkopi or Kouklia .
22 Something unforeseen and urgent had happened , since Sean had obviously known of it yesterday afternoon , and there had been no opportunity for him to inform her .
23 There had been no opportunity to get from him an on-the-spot report of what had happened .
24 And from that moment to this there had been no opportunity for any kind of personal discussion .
25 The acrimonious struggle for power was given a somewhat comical twist by the issue of a press release in September from Virgin Atlantic 's publicity office , saying that in response to the many rumours circulating in the airline industry , Virgin Atlantic wished it to be known that there had been no boardroom ‘ bust-up ’ between Randolph Fields and Richard Branson .
26 He 'd even tried his hand at tapping boots , they were done with more enthusiasm than skill , but so far there had been no complaints from the customers .
27 A spokesman pointed out the jet had been in use for five years and there had been no complaints until recently .
28 In order to be a Christian and to continue the Great Battle against the Evil One , I can not return to the life and times of the New Testament church as if there had been no history in between .
29 There had been no word from Lanai .
30 Since her father 's death she had written regularly to her grandfather , but there had been no word in reply from Hester .
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