Example sentences of "had been do to " in BNC.

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1 He was brought back a few hours later , dazed and dreamy , with a dull headache and no very clear notion of what had been done to him or why .
2 ‘ It was a combination of shock , pain and exhaustion and the overall effect of what had been done to her . ’
3 Meanwhile , Shackel 's unfortunate man had been done to death by his two attackers , and Peck now had a manslaughter case on his hands , a crime he might well have prevented .
4 For the rest of the day there were almost continuous air attacks , but as dusk crept over the scene it was discovered that no damage had been done to the LRDG patrol .
5 No harm had been done to Jerry — my wee brother and best friend .
6 Then , in her attempt to experience more closeness to her husband and to drive him to understand what she felt like but could not make conscious or put into words , she did to him what had been done to her .
7 Some of Peckinpah 's behaviour arose from his view of himself as a victim of the movie industry , because as much violence had been done to Major Dundee ( 1965 ) and The Wild Bunch ( 1969 ) as to the characters in them .
8 J. Anderson Black ( alias Gordon M. Williams ) was not amused by what had been done to his novel .
9 I went on and delivered a fast three minutes of the cleanest material I had , most of which had been done to death already by every comic who went before me and would no doubt be done again by those who followed .
10 ‘ We were just shocked after the robbery but felt that it could have been a lot worse and no great harm had been done to anybody .
11 The apartment 's previous owners had hired an expensive interior designer from New York and ordered her to trick out the rooms in a horse-country olde-English Spy-Cartoons look , which had been done to extravagant perfection , but McIllvanney was none of those things .
12 Refusal ‘ Clyde Walcott , the match referee , was entirely satisfied that nothing illegal had been done to the ball at the Oval and we want to point out that there was no suggestion of it being tampered with . ’
13 Angry though the prince was about this , he was still trying to repair the damage which had been done to Russo-Bulgarian relations when Roumelian irredentists took the game out of his hands .
14 My task , after having been subjected to a six months ' course to learn Russian , was to supervise the packing up of the Wilhelmshaven dockyard , and arrange its shipment back to the Soviet Union as part reparation for the enormous damage that had been done to that country by Nazi Germany .
15 Seeing that no serious injury had been done to the Chamden player , Darren settled on grabbing the referee 's notebook and booking himself .
16 The plaintiffs failed to recover as no tangible injury had been done to their property — no apparatus had been damaged .
17 The Platform began by acknowledging the damage that had been done to national relations by the repression of the Stalinist years and by later attempts to accelerate convergence on the basis of an allegedly full and final resolution of the national question .
18 Little damage had been done to the surrounding farms since the beasts had concentrated their efforts on following the patrol and striving to enter Ivrigar .
19 Here no conversion had been done to the wretched little room , once a scullery , with two steps down to a small yard stacked high with rubbish .
20 She could no longer bring to the man she loved her untouched innocence , and , worse than that , she could not bear his lovemaking because it reminded her so bitterly of what had been done to her .
21 He suspected that perhaps McAllister , always so gallant in facing life , as he had now seen on several occasions , had tried to suppress , to crush down the awful memory of what had been done to her , had refused to give way to grief , to shed healing tears , until in his arms something had reminded her so strongly of what had passed and broken the barriers her will had erected .
22 They were classic , and whatever had been done to McAllister had been so severe and unwanted that unless she was cured soon she would be stricken for life , all her bright spirit running to waste .
23 Zoser , as rigid as Andrus and far less intelligent , had taken it upon himself to put right the wrong which had been done to his friend and his church .
24 The attack was over , but how on earth could Shelley know what damage had been done to the heart muscle ?
25 Subsequent meetings with Dr Reid convinced him that a grave injustice had been done to both the parents of the nine children subject to the dawn raids of 1991 , and to Mrs W and her children , removed in November 1990 and whose disclosures while in care led to the later social work action .
26 He did n't know what they had been doing to him , but whatever it was he did n't like it , and he was going to let them know it in the only way he knew — by making as loud a noise as he could !
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