Example sentences of "had been [adv prt] with " in BNC.

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1 It had blown a gale in the early hours and I had been up with my torch at three o'clock to attend to the guy-ropes and check that the washing was still on the line : it was , but it had become red with dust .
2 By now , 1345 hours , the Colonel had been up with the leading Troops for more than because two hours , and as the short Arctic day was drawing to a close he ordered the withdrawal to begin .
3 That morning Sara had been up with the dawn to walk for the last time in the castle grounds to say goodbye to her doves , her servants , her horses and her hounds , the last of which seemed to sense what was happening and started howling as soon as she had departed .
4 It was a personal matter , and she had no intention of telling a snooty foreign doctor about the troubles she had been through with Ken Noakes from Audiology .
5 ‘ Partridge , who acts as guide , as boots , postilion , and boatman , at the Salutation Inn , might have brought us down an easier descent ; but as he had been out with a chaise all night , he was perhaps induced , from fatigue , to take us the nearest way .
6 Noel Darcy , 23 , of Coventry , had been out with friends when he was attacked by a three or four youths .
7 A tragic loss was the death of Robin Gurdon who had been out with Zirnheld and Martin 's Free Frenchmen .
8 She had been out with her boy friend on one occasion and her parents had tried to be more accepting of her relationship with him .
9 Deirdre Butcher had earlier admitted her daughter had been out with bachelor Gilbey — named as the man on the infamous Squidgy tapes .
10 Stuart , who needs the same liver and bowel transplant as Laura Davies of Manchester , had been out with Shelley and her boyfriend John Moore for just two hours on Boxing Day when the vandals struck .
11 Walker , 52 who leaves widow and two children , had been out with his brother Graham when the pair got off route on steep , loose ground .
12 Her last thought before she fell asleep was the reaction she would get if they knew that she had been out with a policeman .
13 João had been out with Fernando for most of the previous night and looked pale and tired , but Maria Iñes said this was all to the good , because it made him look older and readier to take on the responsibility of a wife .
14 She talked freely about the many young men she and Sarah had been out with , and sometimes had the women in fits of laughter , but she never mentioned John .
15 Sir Richard , in hose and open cambric shirt , wiped dust from his hands , apologising that he had been out with the craftsmen who were putting the finishing touches to their pageant for the young king 's coronation .
16 ‘ Giles said he and Ursula had been out with the two of you .
17 A police spokesman said : ‘ Gina had been out with her sister and friends , but had very little to drink .
18 She had been out with a young lawyer once , a bumptious and ambitious man , and a boring one .
19 With her enchanting grin , which had , sadly , not been much in evidence of late , she added , ‘ I expect Sheila from down the road had been in with her ‘ Mr Sheen ’ … ’
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