Example sentences of "had been [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 He had been swinging in and out of consciousness for several days .
2 In some of the other houses the stable was now a double garage , but in this one it had been blocked in and a window installed .
3 No fresh cool wind had swept through the valley for days , and the same stagnant air had been breathed in and out a hundred times by the whole gasping village .
4 As Beth had reminded the boy on more than one occasion , his sister also had lost her parents , and the home she had been raised in .
5 By the 1940s , retirement had been written in to state support for the elderly and , as such , became part of a new institutionalized dependence .
6 It was coloured a garish blue , an obvious re-spraying job after massive areas of the body-work had been filled in after various collisions .
7 A clear run of four hundred yards was obtained after a few holes had been filled in .
8 The pool in their own garden had been filled in by her father five years before when her baby brother had drowned there ; but she loved to sit by cool water , inured to the stinging flies which gave people from the north so much trouble .
9 He looked like a man who had just found that his tax returns had been filled in by Ken Dodd 's accountant , or that Kitty Kelley was going to write his biography .
10 I put the phone down , wondering how many people had been listening in on the extensions , and went back into my room .
11 He had been listening in .
12 The well bubbled into a tributary of the Moy , but unfortunately it had been hemmed in by modern concrete and so had lost a great deal of its charm .
13 Our Life President , Lady Sybil Clampe , was unable to be with us because she had been hemmed in by an inconsiderate BMW in the station car park in Swindon , but she gave a rousing presidential address over her car phone .
14 It was wonderful to see how the great court filled , as though the word of her return in triumph had been blown in on the wind .
15 By contrast , in the second innings , when Australia 's tailenders had been sent in early on a wet pitch , Darling found himself going in No. 9 with 511 on the board and his side 635 ahead .
16 They looked as if they had been arranged by some cleaner who had been sent in to tidy up and who did not know that in this room Ernest Jarvis had hanged himself .
17 ( In fact , over fifty additional questionnaires had been sent in by the third week in November ) .
18 Chief Inspector Chips Salter was one of the officers they had been sent in to bring under control and Salter both guessed this ( although all such information was supposed to be highly confidential ) , and naturally — resented it .
19 By March 1965 3,000 US Marines had landed in the North and by May an additional 72,000 troops had been sent in .
20 Gallaghers bought the club for £1.25million in 1986 after the receiver had been called in .
21 When she heard how a new doctor had been called in , all the familiar names having left Florence previously thinking it was to be plunged into war , she felt indignant — why was she not called in , she who knew more about Mrs Browning 's illnesses than any other person ?
22 During my own research into sea dumping at the time , I was told that in 1976 a team from the Atomic Energy Authority had been called in to decontaminate the Topaz , a ship used to dump Belgian waste , after the wrong type of drum container had been used .
23 Raymond Starr , Director of Child Care and Family Services , confirmed that his agency had been called in because Orkney Islands Council did not have the resources to deal with a case of this kind .
24 He would look at Harry , the picture of health and happiness and , while marvelling at his steady uncomplicated progress , suddenly think of the child 's mother , a travesty of the woman he had once known , suffering , it would seem , from chronic post-natal depression , so much so that , on Winifred Shalcross 's advice , a second specialist had been called in .
25 The second specialist who had been called in — a man by the name of Adams — had assured Brian that his wife would recover in time , but he did not share his optimism .
26 Hays had been called in to clean up Hollywood following the wave of scandals which began when Roscoe ‘ Fatty ’ Arbuckle was tried for rape and manslaughter , and continued with the murder of William Desmond Taylor .
27 MI6 , Scotland Yard and the FBI had been called in to hunt for the shadowy Surrey-born spy .
28 As we shall discuss later , David Norman , head of Russell Reynolds in 1980 , was responsible — helped by international teamwork — for finding Sir Ian McGregor for British Steel , the first time in Britain that headhunters had been called in to find a new boss for a nationalised industry .
29 Russell Reynolds had been called in on occasion , and a smaller firm — seen as a very good specialist — for specific assignments in commodity finance .
30 At first the ideas appeared as rumours and reports : that , although it had not yet been announced , the US had already taken steps to halt the fighting ; that , in Washington , ambassador Bonnet had been called in and told that a settlement was imperative ; that if the matter was brought up in the UN the US would not necessarily support France ; that the US wished to ensure that no Lend-Lease weapons were being used ‘ to suppress Vietnam — although it was suspected they were ; and that the head of Southeast Asian Affairs at the State Department ( Mr A.L.
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