Example sentences of "had been [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 An earlier breakthrough by an enemy motor rifle division supported by tanks and artillery had been halted by 6th Armoured Brigade , of which the Royal Scots form a part .
2 The nature of the parliamentary peerage had been fixed by 1450 ; certain peers were by then entitled to a summons .
3 But when the first baiter led his teams on to an unploughed field he did not have to trouble his head about the width of the stetches : that had been fixed by long usage and probably appeared to him then as unalterable an aspect of the landscape as the roads and the hedges .
4 If no date had been fixed by the end of 1997 than the European System of Central Banks had to be established by July 1 , 1998 , and stage three would begin by Jan. 1 , 1999 , at the latest .
5 For much of the century , their daily rate had been fixed by statute , initially in 1721 at 2s or 2s 6d ( 10-12½p ) per day , but they were hardly ever able to find employment constant enough to earn more than 9s ( 45p ) a week , and in their slack months even less .
6 In my own case I had been taught by Okely to avoid the split between subjectivism and an objective reality , but I had no preparation to contend with the changes which the field experience created in me .
7 A recently qualified medical student from St. Mary 's , C. G. Paine , who had been taught by Fleming and who had gone to work in the Royal Infirmary at Sheffield , obtained a sample of the mould from his former teacher and carried out some clinical experiments with it .
8 Among them , she included the daughter of a law professor in Bologna , a certain Novella , who had been taught by her father , ‘ not quite sixty years ago ’ , because he disagreed with his contemporaries prejudice against women 's education .
9 Léonie kept her hands outside the covers as she had been taught by the nuns at her primary school .
10 Pc Geoff Towle , secretary of the federation 's Derbyshire branch , said the quota system had been operated by senior CID men who did little to conceal it .
11 This company has now expanded to three other yards including the former British Shipbuilders Hadrian Yard ( Clellands ) at Wallsend , and the Wallsend Slip way which had been operated by Howard Doris Ltd. for the offshore industry until the demise of that operation in 1986 .
12 Where previous discussions about the Britishness of British films had been coloured by official concerns about national status , and cinema 's role in boosting American economic might , filmmakers increasingly focused on the possibility that good stories might be British stories .
13 This is the first time UEFA has banned a Dutch club , but two years ago the national team were ordered to replay a European Championship qualifying match behind closed doors after Cyprus 's goalkeeper had been struck by a firework .
14 The MP vigorously denied assault and said he had been struck by the officer .
15 A month before he went up in 1897 his father 's first cousin ( and namesake ) had been struck by the lad 's awkward manners , silent gaucherie , unsuitable dress , and down-covered chin ; three years later Edward returned the visit in a colours blazer , accompanied by his wife and his eight-months-old son .
16 Ari had been struck by the smells of Arcady more than anything .
17 Lutyens had been struck by the emphasis she had placed on the word — and on her choice of it ; chaste was not a word Miss Jekyll usually employed when planning her gardens , and Lutyens bore it in mind throughout — hence the austerity to which he adhered on the terraces .
18 However , several people before him — Francis Bacon even — had been struck by the amazing correspondence between the coastlines of the African and South American continents .
19 On both occasions she had been struck by the contrast between on the one hand the beauty of the Bay itself , the islands , the fine buildings towards Posillipo and on the other the cramped and jumbled desperation of the mean and bustly streets immediately below her .
20 On reviving him the man told the head ganger that he had been struck by a blow at the back of the head yet medical evidence revealed no sign of injury , furthermore his whistle , flags , and lamp were never found .
21 I had gone to visit the RSPB 's osprey reserve at Loch Garten , and had been struck by the symbolism of that site , where the birds flew free and the humans were , in effect , in a cage .
22 I felt he had been struck by some arresting thought .
23 Theda had been struck by an unexpected pang of compassion for Lady Merchiston .
24 She too had been struck by the similarity between the kitten 's fur and her own hair , and Raphael would have been another subtle reminder for the future of Fen .
25 And he also rejected claims by the policeman and a civilian that they witnessed a soldier being struck by other military personnel to make it appear he had been struck by the car .
26 The deal had been struck by then LDP secretary-general Ichiro Ozawa in return for the support of the smaller parties in approving the Gulf package .
27 FitzRoy had been struck by the peculiar appearance of a group of brownish-black birds living in the islands that resembled finches .
28 She had been struck by the fact that in June 1873 two hundred Deputes of the French Parliament gathered before the Blessed Sacrament to consecrate their country to the Sacred Heart of Jesus .
29 as if he had been struck by some unseen force into stillness , he stopped , his right arm still embracing an imaginary figure , his left arm extended .
30 When its near discordant notes gave way to Rooster and the driving beat of early Rolling Stones music , it was as if the the group and the whole theatre had been struck by benign lightening .
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