Example sentences of "had n't the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But she had n't the patience for that .
2 Often he suspected he had n't the capacity to sustain either love or hate .
3 Facilities for homeless people are of course open only at certain times of the day and I had n't the money to go anywhere else .
4 Frequently they had n't the money .
5 So , people tried to set up unions to improve living & working conditions , but this failed , because the workers had n't the money , knowledge or power .
6 he 's either up the stairs well he came down one night right enough he was talking to his girl on the phone , she phones him through the week and er he was a bit depressed because he he had n't the money , he 's , he 's on the and he has n't really the money to give in for housekeeping plus try and get driving lessons and his daddy wo n't let him
7 How could she be expected to cope with stupid computers that had n't the wit to understand a simple error , or calculators that came up with the wrong numbers ?
8 After a few days , nine or ten , I wondered if it would aid things to pay a visit to Scotland , but I had n't the purpose for it , let alone the money .
9 Travelogues were immensely popular , people had n't the resources to travel in those days easily unless they were wealthy , and here was a chance to see what the world was like in various places that were inaccessible erm to the average member of the audience .
10 And why had n't the attendant come and told the foreign autocrat off for coming in the wrong way ?
11 Jim was all for going on , for expanding , for advancing rather than retreating , but Cliff was beginning to think that after all he had n't the temperament for it , he could n't stand the anxiety , he did n't enjoy the suspense : all he wanted was security , independence , freedom from worry , being his own man .
12 If a chap had n't the guts to stand up for his own beastliness where was he ?
13 Farrel mimicked Lowell 's pedantic voice inside his head , but he had n't the guts to initiate a confrontation .
14 A few seconds later , he gasped in realization : had n't the scientist referred to his tardy colleague as ‘ he ’ ?
15 And , in case that was n't enough to show the people where their duty lay , had n't the Church 's ban on Fenianism been reinforced later by a papal decree ?
16 The man from the Midland Bank said he had n't the kind of money required .
17 And when Ward said it had n't the range , Gómez replied sharply , ‘ But I think it has .
18 The men worked hard and as you got on in life you just thought this was home , although you had n't the luxuries .
19 Had n't the losing of Eugenia been like one ?
20 But in fact they did care , because if they had n't the traumas that afflicted Welsh rugby at about this time would have had not effect .
21 Yet she had n't the heart to forbid him to smoke when he had so few comforts left .
22 Malc was furious , especially when I admitted that I had n't the heart to charge the old dear , so we were two quid out of pocket .
23 Ruth had n't the heart to tell her that she was n't welcome in it .
24 When he died in her arms in the scalp , she had n't the heart or the strength to survive . ’
25 we were in town on Saturday and I saw two really nice sports bags , but we had so many parcels I I did n't had n't the heart to suggest to Bill we
26 But I had n't the heart .
27 He had n't the heart , like he had before . ’
28 He had n't the heart to say he did n't want to be his lordship 's servant or , indeed , anyone 's servant .
29 Driving home in the minibus , she offered Silas an apologetic smile as she admitted , ‘ I had n't the heart to throw them out . ’
30 One o'clock in Piazza dei Partigiani after a stressful morning at work was very different from eleven o'clock the night before after making love , but Ellen was bubbling with such enthusiasm that he had n't the heart to voice his reservations .
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