Example sentences of "had n't see the " in BNC.

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1 Some of the paintings almost reminded her of the Hudson Valley , but she had n't seen the Hudson River in nearly a year .
2 At the same time , our poet 's impromptu verses — often he had n't seen the film before — were in the complex scheme of Persian poetry , rhyming , scanning , and so on .
3 Agnes said that she had n't seen the program .
4 Nicholson responded that perhaps Corey had n't seen the poetry he was showing him .
5 ‘ I wish I had n't seen the bloody flash , ’ he muttered under his breath .
6 I had told Ron , who was with me in Rome , that I had n't seen the point in attending the practice , but he had persuaded me that I ought to attend .
7 She wished she had n't seen the broken railings , or that whoever was in the bath chair had not elected to come out just then .
8 I was pleased he had n't seen the note or the tears that I left behind on my Granny 's face .
9 Paris Match , which originally published the pictures of Fergie with Johnny Bryan , said they had n't seen the pictures .
10 But he admitted he had n't seen the pictures before firing Mr Hughes from his £22,000-a-year job with office equipment suppliers Fellowes .
11 She was worried about a pair of wild barn owls : they had been nesting in her barn for years and she knew there were young up there , but had n't seen the parent birds going in and out for several days .
12 No , he was imagining things , he had n't seen the man all that clearly in the fog .
13 It happened at the time of the National Junior Championships in Nottingham and we had n't seen the television that morning .
14 Topaz 's only sorrow was that she had n't seen the marquis again .
15 So your wife had n't seen the house
16 She put the inner up in four minutes , not bad at all — and she had n't seen the tent before .
17 It soon became clear that she might have got the date and the king wrong , that she had n't seen the guinea for years , and so forth .
18 He had n't seen the tug at first because it was alongside on the far side .
19 We had n't seen the National Guard yet .
20 I do n't think I 'd have spotted it myself if I had n't seen the way he reacted the day we found Wolfgang Klein , when Gebrec got so upset . ’
21 She knew that , too , but preferred to imply that she had n't seen the files .
22 I thought we had n't seen the last of her . ’
23 But then they had n't seen the blood , she reminded herself .
24 All she did know was that she had n't seen the last of him by a long chalk !
25 I had n't seen the man before .
26 A Darlington councillor who , of course , had n't seen the production called for it to be banned .
27 and I had n't seen the flat before , and the first thing she said to me wherever you look in here it 's blue .
28 I had n't seen the
29 to you on the phone that I had not seen the job and that I said yes alright knowing I had n't seen the job , also that you knew that I had n't seen it and if I did n't agree with it , then I was gon na change it , and I 've changed it !
30 Then we had erm , the other people next door , the woman erm , who was supposed to be a man-eater , we 'd actually looked round her house and it was ident identical to ours and we looked , we looked all the way round her house and like , she said , oh yeah , all the building 's the same but just in reverse and like , we met all the neighbours , plus the woman opposite had n't seen the flat ,
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