Example sentences of "had not [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ( Average donor country ODA to LDCs during the 1980s had not exceeded 0.09 per cent , and almost all donor countries also still fell well below the UN target for ODA to all developing countries , set at 0.7 per cent of GNP . )
2 The long moralistic campaigns of Mrs Mary Whitehouse directed at BBC television had not made much headway .
3 They turned increasingly to those areas where the British and the French had not made much progress : to the Balkans , Turkey and South America .
4 The steady flow of money from record sales and overseas royalties had meant that Virgin had not made great demands on their overdraft facility .
5 Since she had not made that fact known to the seller , she lost the case .
6 Mr Gourlay said there was also concern about the transitional arrangements which would lead to disparity of treatment between different companies which had not made long-term commitments for rigs which would qualify for tax relief .
7 Like the Spanish , the Portuguese had not made new acquisitions since the great days of the sixteenth century , and they had lost their possessions in the Spice Islands , but Brazil continued to flourish and was beginning to emerge as the world 's main source of gold .
8 The first " strand " of the discussions , which were between the four constitutional parties in Northern Ireland ( thus excluding Sinn Féin , the political wing of the Irish Republican Army ) , covered proposals for devolution in Northern Ireland and had not made concrete progress .
9 It seemed scarcely conceivable that the leadership had not made sufficient provision for the troops wintering in Russia .
10 A survey of retired people by MORI revealed that nearly half of those questioned said that they had not made sufficient allowance for inflation .
11 But if Ashton had not made these very distinctive changes in his ports de bras , the seasonal differences would not have been so notable .
12 He said it was disappointing that the Government had not made clear that it will be prepared to stimulate monetary growth by underfunding the Budget deficit .
13 Although the company had already agreed to continue paying existing pensioners , it had not made any commitment for past and present employees retiring now and in the future .
14 In the end the loss of the canoe had not made any difference as there was no shipping in the harbour anyway .
15 Chelmsford coroner Malcolm Weir was told American police were still investigating the crime but had not made any arrests .
16 The three asserted that their only observation had been to suggest that because such a rumour was circulating it would be wise for it to be firmly denied or some enquiry made , and that they had not made any allegation against Profumo but only a suggestion for his benefit .
17 But at least if his mother could tell , he reflected , she had not made any sign .
18 Her expression became very solemn , but he was sure that he had not made any real impression .
19 Moorgate Mercantile had not made any representation to Twitchings .
20 He said the men had not made any radio calls for help .
21 Arens insisted that he had not made any requests for US financial aid to cover the costs of the conflict .
22 The only thing she said was that she had not made any friends . ’
23 In fact , there are now more companies with no plans for future investment ( 52 companies ) than companies that had not made any investment over the previous three years ( 43 ) .
24 The Cuban director of immigration had made a great deal of money from previous boatloads of Jews ; the President of Cuba had not made enough money from them .
25 The US Representative for Trade Negotiations , Carla Hills , announced on April 28 , 1990 , that under Section 301 of the US Trade Act Thailand would remain on a priority watch list of countries which had not made enough progress in improving intellectual property protection .
26 In March 1143 Pope Innocent II decreed that its validity was to depend on Ste Barbe swearing that it had been canonical ; he had not made this oath by February 1146 , when Eugenius III suspended Fitzherbert .
27 Sophia , who had not made this flight before , was disappointed that it did not look more like the Italian landscape she remembered from the ground .
28 Among several other flaws in Anselm 's election and investiture , there was one which neither Anselm nor anyone else mentioned at the time , but was later to be held against him by the papal legate : on a strict view , his election -in addition to all its other legal defects — had been schismatic , since the king and all the others who took part , with the sole exception of Anselm himself , were schismatics , for they had not recognized Urban II as the legitimate pope although he had now been pope for five years .
29 Miss Tunstall had not possessed work-reddened hands and knees .
30 So the Boars had been busy … while the real battle raged closer to the black chandelier of the Imperium , to set those parts which had not contracted a-tinkling and a-rattling .
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