Example sentences of "had made [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The women had made great play with brooms and buckets , sweeping the pavement around the policeman 's feet till he was forced to jump over them to avoid being floored .
2 Already it had made great play of how it had saved certain famous churches from its own bulldozers by moving them out of the path of destruction .
3 She had made great capital out of a fortnight 's bus tour to Lake Garda .
4 The CNAA , he and others believed , had made great progress in improving the standards of business studies , and had begun to do the same for management studies , but ‘ the job of improving management studies has hardly begun .
5 In mid-October a breakthrough seemed imminent after senior trade officials from Canada , the EC , Japan and the USA , meeting in Ontario on Oct. 17-18 , claimed that they had made substantial progress in resolving the deadlock ( responsible for the suspension of an earlier round of talks between US and EC officials in Brussels on Oct. 11-12 ) .
6 Even his great friend and business partner in the Second Dominion , Hebbert Nuits-St-Georges , called Peccable by those who knew him well , a merchant who had made substantial profit from the superstitious and the woebegone in the Second Dominion , regularly remarked that the order of Yzordderrex was less stable by the day , and he would soon take his family out of the city , indeed out of the Dominion entirely , and find a new home where he would not have to smell burning bodies when he opened his windows in the morning .
7 Both Edward I and Edward II had made substantial use of the traditional feudal levy for raising an army , summoning all tenants-in-chief of the crown to serve unpaid with a set quota of men for forty days .
8 He mentioned oil , chemicals , engineering and electrical engineering , all of which had made solid progress .
9 Bob went on from there , season in , season out , to the end of 1931–32 , by which time he had made 293 League appearances for Crystal Palace ( a club record at the time , but of course they did not make much of such things in those days ) and even today , almost 60 years later , there are fewer than only half a dozen Palace men who have played more times for us than that .
10 It was Britain which had made sure finance ministers would be at the summit so the recovery talks can go ahead , he said .
11 A UN team visited Kuwait in March and reported that although a deliberate attempt had been made to " extinguish Kuwait " , the country had made good progress in dealing with immediate humanitarian needs [ see p. 38082 for mission to Iraq ] .
12 He had made good use of the last few days .
13 Going further back again , local authorities had made good use , on a comparative basis , of national reading surveys .
14 He had reason to believe , he said , that the Normans in Herefordshire had made good use of the Roman building-materials ready to hand , and there was no reason why others should not do the same .
15 They had made good time .
16 We had made good time and had to ease speed to avoid closing the island in darkness .
17 The discovery of the body had made front-page news , in spite of the continuing saga of the hijack , and one of the features staff had put together a hasty obituary on an inside page .
18 No deals for hostages I could understand , yet the French had made future business and full diplomatic relations conditional on their hostages being freed and no more being taken .
19 Although the August amendments to the Public Security Act had made chief district officers ( CDOs ) more accountable by ordering them to maintain law and order through district police , on Oct. 6 the government announced that CDOs had been armed with unlimited powers under the Security Act , as amended in September , to hold anyone in preventive detention for the maintenance of law and order .
20 In 192 ( 71 per cent ) cases , DNs were solely responsible for current treatment ; in a further 26 ( 10 per cent ) , they had made joint treatment decisions with the GP and/or consultant , so the DN was wholly or partly responsible for 81 per cent of treatment decisions : Table 3 lists DN responses .
21 Under the privatisation proposal it was offering almost £14million for the rest of PPFE , which had made little progress since the Hong Kong flotation .
22 By 1907 ITF activity was regarded by the shipowners as sufficiently serious to justify the setting up of an International Shipping Federation " to combat the growing forces of socialism and aggressive trade unionism " , but in reality it had made little progress in establishing international standards and the British market for seamen was still being substantially undercut by lower rates of pay of foreign labour .
23 A Constitution Drafting Committee , which had been established soon after the formation of the LPDR in late 1975 [ see pp. 27541-43 ] , had made little progress during the LPDR 's first decade .
24 A Lake Chad Basin commission with representatives of Chad , Cameroon , Nigeria and Niger ( which all bordered on the lake ) had been established in 1964 but had made little progress .
25 The 10-day round of talks had made little progress by the end of February .
26 Leaders noted that islanders in the region had made little contribution to the problems which now threaten their way of life .
27 Lacking adequate finance , information and technical expertise , and saddled with a piece of legislation riddled with loopholes and contradictions , the Institute was faced with an impossible task and had made little headway by the time the political climate changed in autumn 1933 .
28 Her willingness to talk verged on a compelling need and after all his previous attempts to gain her confidence , which had made little headway , he knew he must not let such an opportunity pass him by .
29 The 13-member Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) had made little headway in curbing over-production during 1990 .
30 The New York Times demonstrated how he had made little impact on the movie world , until that point in time , with the observation that the lawyer Hanson was ‘ … played by Jack Nicholson whose sharp , regular features may be vaguely familiar to kids who go and watch drive-in movies . ’
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