Example sentences of "had more than [art] " in BNC.

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1 His instincts finally rang the bell and told him this man had more than a casual interest in what might be going on downstairs .
2 This was the brainchild of Martin and Hermon Bond , two farmers , who had more than a passing interest in golf .
3 Much of James 's statement had more than a modicum of truth .
4 Selling such statements to thirteen-year-old girls is something which had more than a small measure of the bizarre .
5 Neither side had more than a couple of scoring chances in the first half , and Ecchinswell took advantage of the first of these , breaking through after dispossessing Martin Whiddett on the sideline and finding a vast opening in the Alton defence .
6 I had more than a casual interest in politics .
7 Actually , I had more than a hand in it ; I designed all of Crate 's new tube line , even though it does n't have my name on it .
8 Two community or measles studies that we included had more than a single death and were not individually statistically significant : those by Barclay et al and Vijayaraghavan et al .
9 As Defries had feared , neither Ace nor Bernice had more than a few minutes ’ more power in their blasters .
10 Men with periodontitis had more than a twofold increased risk of dying compared with men who had no periodontal disease at baseline .
11 She gave her mother fifteen shillings for her keep , and had more than a pound left to spend on herself .
12 At home he rarely had more than a piece of toast and marmalade for breakfast , but when he was away he ate the whole cooked breakfast .
13 These first three Muftis of the capital , as well as their immediate successors , never had more than a priority of rank over those of the provinces . "
14 There 'd been a lot of changes under the malais , I 'll give them that , even if most of the development was for reasons of military necessity and accomplished , like the Japanese for whom they had more than a sneaking admiration , with forced-draft labour .
15 Their winner , an own goal from Nick Henry in the 13th minute , had more than a shade of good fortune about it .
16 4 patients had complete abolition of the bone component of the hypercalcaemia by day 5 and 1 had more than a 50% reduction on day 3 .
17 Immediately — and this can be well understood — Coastal Command had more than a passing interest because it was having a desperate struggle with the U-boats in the Atlantic and , naturally , it was very keenly supported by the Admiralty and the Navy to boot , to get hold of this latest model .
18 ‘ We rarely had more than a couple of deliveries a day — we did n't have the space .
19 ‘ He also had more than a crush , ’ Vitor declared .
20 He had more than an hour to fill in before the meal : he had a maid bring him beer .
21 Five percent of the mothers in the survey had more than the international limit of 350 micrograms of lead in every litre of blood in their bodies .
22 I have a suspicion that several objectors had more than the local interests at heart ; those who have enclosed part of the lane and extended their gardens on to land over which the public have a right of passage .
23 Now , after some shrewd scavving and a touch of inventive accountancy , she had more than the price of the pudding .
24 ‘ So he wandered the countryside for a long time , starving and having to beg for food , and sleeping in barns and under trees , and eventually he found a little town where all the beggars and old people he 'd had thrown out of the city had gone ; they were very poor , of course , but by all helping each other they had more than the merchant had .
25 And even though the same scientists were involved in that experimentation , Rohmer could not resist a kind of immature pride in the fact that his unit had more than the others .
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