Example sentences of "had in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 you could n't do it , but he had every opportunity the other , the twin did to get through you know and he passed his City and Guilds , but Peter 's got on alright , the other son who 's got the factory , he 's , he 's busy got an electrical panels and all that he does , you know , he 's quite good and my other son he works , he used to work at Burnt Mill , and he now has moved to erm er Stansted , he works at Stansted he works in the big food depot , that used to be years ago and he works there , he 's been there ever since he left school , since except two , two years he had in the army you know for the conscription , but he 's been there erm ever since he was fourteen and he 's now about oh , forty something now he is , I 'm not quite sure of their ages , I get muddled up I 've got , eight , eight sons altogether , so , I 've got quite a family dear .
2 She wondered again , as she had in the night , why fate had sent this particular man to her .
3 ‘ What heavy rain we had in the night , ma'am ! ’ she said .
4 With Miss Poraway chattering beside her , she reflected upon all this and recalled , as she had in the night , the course of her virginal marriage .
5 But it is unlikely — despite disclosure of business rules — that the less aware will not find themselves on a spectacularly high-risk syndicate which had in the past played safe .
6 But it is unlikely — despite disclosure of business rules — that the less aware will not find themselves on a spectacularly high-risk syndicate which had in the past played safe .
7 Consumers were not choosing efficiency and manufacturers were not improving efficiency as much as they had in the past .
8 Dunwoody had in the past won on Norton 's Coin and would have been riding him in the Gold Cup had Desert Orchid been absent .
9 There had in the past been clergymen who had elaborated the written account in the manner of solo violinists , composing their own cadenzas , and their elaborations had found their way into the written account .
10 The Rural Institute for women had in the past joined with the colleges and local Councils in providing short training courses but as yet there was little co-ordinated training for the wives .
11 The fir is a native of the European alps and periodic declines or Tannesterben ( fir-dying ) had in the past been attributed to years of drought or warm winters .
12 The intensely provincial , Catholic and Nationalist environment within which the DHAC operated was not conducive to its kind of class-based , quasi-Marxist political rhetoric which would , ten years earlier , probably have unleashed a backlash that it would have found difficult to survive ; even the mild leftism of Stephen McGonagle had in the past made him an object of suspicion among Derry Catholics .
13 Perhaps that was why Father Devlin had volunteered to act as match-maker , preferring to have him married rather than have him fornicate , as he had in the past , with the tinker women passing through the district .
14 As well as strengthening the role of governors , the 1986 Act made it impossible for political nominees to control governing bodies , as they often had in the past , while the 1988 Act transfers the management of most schools from local education authorities ( LEAs ) to the individual school .
15 A third group were the ‘ Queen Bees ’ , virgin wives and often virgin mothers who had in the past persuaded a doctor to administer artificial insemination because of their husband 's impotence .
16 We keep up standards by running training awards for Upholstery and Soft Furnishing trainees , these trainees are our future craftsmen and women and we are doing all we can to ‘ uphold ’ the same standards we had in the past and maintain them into the future .
17 Donald and I , children of an unhappy home , had in the past found strength and consolation in such very different masters of cruel family life as Sophocles and Samuel Butler .
18 Moreover , alliances bind both parties ; the kaiser properly reminded Bismarck that he had in the past ‘ always opposed tieing our hands through alliances ’ .
19 Some lesser American golfers , lured over by the open cheques that sponsors often have available , had in the past performed less than satisfactorily .
20 Since the 1950s and 1960s there has been a weakening of the norms of ‘ good ’ congressional behaviour which , by obliging most members to conform , had in the past helped to bring some order into the legislature .
21 It was true that those concerned with the enforcement of the law in this country were apprehensive that the abolition of the death penalty would be followed by an increase in crimes of violence ; but their predecessors had in the past opposed for the same reason the abolition of the death penalty for offences less serious than murder and their apprehensions had not in the event proved justified .
22 No doubt the jury would have been interested to hear that the victim had convictions for offences of dishonesty , and conceivably even more impressed ( though in law they would be wrong to be ) to learn that she had in the past tried to stab a policeman .
23 Yet , stirring at the back of her mind and insistently pushing its way to the fore , the ungovernable curiosity that had in the past led her into strange , sometimes dangerous but often exciting situations was threatening to override her common sense .
24 I suppose I was defending a monarchy that had in the past seen some unsuitable sovereigns , while he somewhat deftly applied the same argument to unsatisfactory prime ministers .
25 Does my right hon. Friend agree that general practitioners , whether fund-holders or not , as a result of the new contract — which initially was often bitterly opposed — are now giving patients a much better service than they had in the past ?
26 The alleged involvement of the Council had potentially serious political implications as the group had in the past publicly supported Gen. Chaovalit , and in particular his concept of " peaceful revolution " .
27 When the government originally announced that Rico Toro would replace Col. Lucio Añez Rivera at the FELCN there were protests in the Congress ; Rico Toro had been the chief of army intelligence in the 1980-81 government of Gen. Luís García Meza , notorious for its involvement with the country 's large-scale organized drug trade ; moreover , he had in the past argued for the legalization of the coca industry .
28 This apparently reflected the Syrian conviction that Lebanon had in the past been used by Israel , Iraq and the PLO to attack Syrian interests .
29 The resolution attracted strong criticism from party chairman Shimon Peres and from Rabin ; the small religious parties had in the past been crucial components of Labour-controlled coalition administrations .
30 He also denied that China had in the past " advocated , encouraged or engaged in the proliferation of nuclear weapons " and promised that China would seek to help prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and work for nuclear disarmament .
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