Example sentences of "had [been] use for " in BNC.

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1 Most of the sample group ( 82 per cent ) had been using for over two years before they first sought treatment .
2 These solutions , which involved old technology , simply applied to the ocean freighter what railroads and truckers had been using for 30 years .
3 All the right components had been used for a power casting rig , 60 lb main trace line , heavy duty swivels along with good links .
4 When the new owners who proposed to convert the barn first saw it in 1978 , the whole structure had been used for stabling horses , and accordingly , brick partitions had been erected to form stalls inside .
5 The present owners purchased the mill in 1976 after part of it had been used to house chickens and the mill-pond had been used for fish-farming .
6 The top coin shows Henry VII ( 1485-1509 ) ; it is the same generic royal image which had been used for two centuries , as can be seen from the close similarity of the image used by Edward I ( compare fig. 3 ) .
7 This had a separate entrance and had been used for many purposes — the storage of deeds by the Wilts and Dorset Bank , prior to this by Mr. Peru , a solicitor , but when I was a small boy it had been leased to The Haunch of Venison Inn as a wine store and bottling plant .
8 The same spoon had been used for this for many years and was burnt black .
9 Ian went off and came back with a box the same size as the ones that had been used for the train .
10 Later that day , when she asked him what it had been used for , he confessed : ‘ Sorry , Mum , I got it wrong .
11 After two or three fairly neutral coloured inks had been used for the printing — say , brown for the foreground and blue for the sky and more distant scenery — the finishing was by hand , and washes of great subtlety and precision were laid on to give the desired effects .
12 It was doubtful if the equipment had been used for years .
13 The Thing had said the Ship had been used for exploring .
14 For instance , of the 68 such buildings at West Stow , six had been used for weaving , some producing up to 100 loomweights used to tension the warp-threads of an upright loom ( Figure 2.3 ) .
15 James chatting with the Earl of Farrow outside Farrow Hall , which had been used for many of the exterior shots in Pemberley .
16 The earliest Quaker meeting-houses , such as Jordans in Buckinghamshire , Colthouse in Lancashire , Skipton in Yorkshire , and Marazion in Cornwall , were built in the vernacular style of the late seventeenth century and closely resembled the farm buildings which had been used for Quaker services prior to 1688 .
17 It is possible to break out of the straight-jacket by applying an idea that had been used for many years in thinking about the psychology of classification and aesthetics ( McLlelland & Clark , 1933 ; Berlyne , 1960 ) .
18 As early as 1914 , arrangements for building new sick wards , that is , a workhouse infirmary , had been progressing , and in October , some sheds which had been used for wood chopping and storage were demolished to make way for the building of the new sick pavilions .
19 Problems there certainly were : the disentangling of assets with multiple uses ( for example , some offices had been used for gas billing as well as for electricity ) inevitably caused some headaches .
20 Although this procedure had been used for administrative purposes in Normandy ( where the English example of Domesday Book was an inspiration ) and in Anjou before Geoffrey le Bel 's conquest of Normandy , the Feoda marked an important step in its use in eastern France .
21 The motif was most probably introduced into Persia from China — where it had been used for centuries as a symbol of peace and tranquillity — and has subsequently been adapted to fulfil both the schematic and symbolic requirements of Islamic weavers .
22 The established main roads that had been used for traffic between the medieval towns , and had made their own width with the usage of centuries , were generally left untouched by any parish awards .
23 It had been used for many years as a staff hostel for an Oxford Street department store .
24 The pose is certainly borrowed from Egypt , where it had been used for male figures for centuries .
25 Before the Christmas break , we fitted in two more FIS downhills at Altenmarkt , on a course which had been used for a women 's world cup .
26 Eventually Maxim 's improvised and placed some leeks , which had been used for consomme " , in front of the King .
27 Captain James Cook [ q.v. ] , on completing his second global circumnavigation , highly praised Jackson 's beer concentrate , which had been used for its antiscorbutic qualities .
28 The experience curve itself was developed from the concept of the learning curve , which had been used for many years in industries where it was observed that labour time fell as the workforce accumulated experience in producing more of a particular type of unit .
29 Wickham turned his attention to the typewriter which had been used for the death threat .
30 No regular services had been held in it for many years , although it had been used for funerals and the occasional service , remaining open for visitors and pilgrims to Cell-y-bedd and the shrine .
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