Example sentences of "had [been] [vb pp] over " in BNC.

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1 While you were missing , I had to deal with a dog that had been run over . ’
2 She blinked and looked demurely down at the grey and red carpet which squelched across the floor like a rabbit that had been run over by a lorry .
3 I gave myself a brisk tub down with a towel — when I saw it in daylight it looked as though it had been run over by a lorry on a muddy building site — and changed every stitch of clothing .
4 Last month a new law was passed , allowing former owners to claim back their land , even if it had been built over .
5 By 1939 all but the northern and north-western parts of the county had been built over .
6 Christopher Morrison , prosecuting , said Marriner had tried to obtain money from Crown Street post office in Darlington with a Giro cheque which had been written over and smashed windows at two health centres in the town .
7 This slightly depressing bout of bargaining — which had been brushed over so quickly in the Shah Jehan Nama — took at least a quarter of an hour .
8 The Pa. stood for Pennsylvania , and the machines had been sent over as part of the Marshall Plan to get Europe back on its feet and wearing nylons just like the Americans .
9 He said at Dumfries Sheriff Court that he and his friend had gone to the upstairs lavatory in the dormitory building about half-an-hour after going to bed when they had been called over to the girls ' room .
10 The room was already warm and the furniture shone as if all the pieces had been gone over with a damp cloth .
11 It comprised some of the very best of the Black-Earth belt , but after the Revolution it had been trampled over first by the Red Army advancing on Kiev from Kharkov , then by the German 20th Army Corps , and later by ruthless and bloodthirsty ‘ Green ’ armies .
12 The delegates gave an overwhelming vote in favour of retaining the title " The British Deaf and Dumb Association " , not just on the spur of the moment but after the matter had been chewed over up and down the country .
13 I slit along the seam of the cardboard wrapper where it had been taped over .
14 It proved to be a surprisingly accurate account of what in the event did happen , and is outlined here to illustrate the way in which , in one corner of Oxfordshire , changes which had been argued over for a decade could be effected in a relatively short time .
15 Although until April 1980 it was illegal for beneficiaries to sell land , researchers found evidence of land being sold and also of farms that had been turned over to sharecropping .
16 By 1863 , he too had gone and Kings Mill had been turned over to the manufacture of pins , an industry that was to become important for Painswick .
17 By the 1850s , Freames Mill had been turned over to the manufacture of pins by Perkins , Critchley and Marmont , who were there for around a decade and who later operated on a much larger scale at Wimberley Mills .
18 By midday the Common had been turned over with meticulous care , the pools dragged and the frogmen sent down .
19 This said that Soviet historians had recently discovered documents revealing that in April-May 1940 all but 394 inmates of the three camps had been turned over to NKVD administrations in Smolensk , Voroshilovgrad and Kalinin , and had been " never again mentioned in NKVD statistical accounts " .
20 As of late July both camps were surrounded by army units and Murr insisted that the blockade would continue until all heavy and medium-calibre weaponry had been turned over to the government .
21 The whole of the floor of one of the big sheds had been turned over to the making of the signs .
22 The fire had been kicked over , though , the ash distributed around the floor .
23 A handful of what he thought was heather thatch caught him in the face , but it was n't : a corn-stack had been pushed over and some of the netting had burst .
24 There was danger , too , underfoot : the path had been ploughed over in many places and here and there were lumps of frozen earth covered with snow , and slippery .
25 By now , thanks to the Luxembourg Compromise , France was less fearful of the European Commission ; the completion of the customs union led to hopes among the Six of further developments in the EEC ; and there was still the need to settle the long-term finance of CAP , a question which had been papered over after de Gaulle 's ‘ empty chair ’ policy .
26 We found out that the sitting room had a timber panelled ceiling which had been papered over and given lots of coats of whitewash .
27 She dragged herself from the sofa and listlessly prepared herself some lunch , making do with bread and Camembert cheese and some of the pâté which had been left over from the night before .
28 This bought another East End brewery into the family tree , the Wenlock Brewery , in Wenlock Road , Shoreditch , just off the City Road , which had been taken over by Bass in 1961 and closed the following year .
29 Before that , however , in 1958 , the year the Albion brewery celebrated its 150th anniversary , Mann Crossman and Paulin had been taken over by Watney 's .
30 In May the SAS were sent in to storm the Iranian Embassy in London which had been taken over by armed gunmen .
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