Example sentences of "had [been] [art] [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 I decided to give her Arsenicum Album LM1 in a 100ml bottle and within 1 month she was feeling much better , her period had been the best she could remember and she 'd even been out to a party .
2 Nicholson especially won some excellent notices although Fonda reckoned that Dennis Hopper 's performance had been the best of the three .
3 There was some good news , too : the harvest had been the best for over thirty years , and after much anxious waiting there was a victory to celebrate from the war front — Nelson had trounced the French fleet at the Battle of the Nile .
4 By the week 's end the proctologist was saying that it had been the best goddamned vacation he had ever taken , and as we passed the bunkering moorings near McIllvanney 's yard I saw him take Ellen aside and I guessed he was offering her a job .
5 It had been the best day yet .
6 Sally-Anne took the kiss and the last sight of him standing in the parlour in his beautiful evening clothes up to bed with her , and agreed with him — for really the end of the evening and their happy supper together had been the best thing of all .
7 He wandered into his dressing room , climbed into his costume — really , buying Mandrika 's old wardrobe had been the best investment he 'd ever made .
8 In some ways those had been the best days , if she was honest with herself .
9 He was to pay tribute to Kingsmill after his death in an exchange of letters with Malcolm Muggeridge , published as About Kingsmill ( 1951 ) , and recalled what had been the deepest friendship of his life between the lines of Johnson and Boswell ( 1958 ) , the last book written at the height of his powers .
10 It had been the merest afterthought .
11 Of course , the press had been the earliest communications free market , even if , in practice , most European nations have long had an additional element of political party patronage and state aid to individual titles and to the sector as a whole .
12 Barton saluted ( he had been the smallest soldier in the army ) , and took a cab back to the conference , closely followed by Amaranth .
13 Perdita listened to her mother grinding gears and going on and on and on about how marvellously Perdita had played and how it had been the proudest moment of her life , and how everyone from Rupert to Brigadier Canford said what a great future she had and Drew this and Drew that .
14 Only a month before Mikael had been the proudest chief in Abyssinia and it must have been a bitter moment for him to be led in triumph before the hated Shoans .
15 It had been the blackest day of the war when the government announced the rationing of tea .
16 Even as the people run away in terror , the fire of God 's anger , which destroyed parts of the camp in Numbers 11 , now consumes the 250 men who had been the closest supporters of Korah in his bid for power .
17 Alone among other EC governments , however , its reaction had been the fiercest .
18 There had been the faintest mark against his tanned skin , so I had nodded .
19 It had been the faintest of sounds , but it was enough to bring her slowly to her feet , alert and expectant .
20 The party had been the largest in parliament for most years until 1966 , and had been in government ( usually with the Social Democrats ) almost constantly until 1987 .
21 China had been the largest single purchaser of US wheat for several years , buying up to 10 per cent of total US wheat production in some years .
22 According to these figures the nine-week period had been the bloodiest of the civil war to date , with 3,350 deaths in all .
23 Four bids had been received , of which that from DCS of Edinburgh had been the lowest , at just under £3,000 .
24 The United Kingdom Meteorological Office announced at the end of November 1989 that the 1980s had been the warmest decade worldwide since records had been kept , with six out of 10 of the warmest years since the mid-19th century having occurred during this period .
25 The years 1990 and 1991 had emerged as the warmest ever recorded , outstripping the 1980s , which had been the warmest decade to date .
26 Becoming editor had been the greatest day of his life , and now these people were telling him that his paper was apolitical and had a lack of analysis and editorialization .
27 The marriage which he contemplated for Matilda was with one of the most powerful of the new barons of the Conqueror , Count Alan Rufus , lord of Richmond , who for twenty-five years had been the greatest man in the north of England and one of the most constant witnesses of English royal charters : a central character , therefore , in the government of England , but a potential menace in the semi-conquered North .
28 The arrest of that worm had been the greatest cross Don had ever had to carry , the most dangerous traitor ever in the history of the government 's security service .
29 If the Jesuits had been the greatest implementers of post-conciliar renewal in the Pauline era , Opus Dei would shortly become John Paul 's most reliable institutional arm .
30 When I search a farmland site I always keep careful records , and looking back to my notes I started to search the areas where there had been the greatest concentration of finds .
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