Example sentences of "had [not/n't] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We had not the experts in Burmese poetry who were really needed for this task , only a handful of hymns in the true Burmese style were available , and these had been composed earlier by Father Jackson .
2 When proprietors sold , at any stage , whether antici-pating amalgamation ( like the News Chronicle and Daily Mail ) or a continuing future , they did so because of flagging interest or energy , or because they had not the resources to turn round a weak paper in an increasingly competitive market .
3 Although Glasgow District Council ( GDC ) supported Heatfest , they made it clear that they had not the resources to implement any radical outcome .
4 And yet she had not the look of a woman cramped or dissatisfied .
5 On to the Poet Laureate , Lord Tennyson and Volume I only of his Works , a book which ordinarily , as an odd volume , might well have been sold for £1 or less had not the inscription on the title turned it into a desirable association item .
6 A predisposition to stress such as that apparently suffered by the accused in the present case might fall foul of this restriction and it may have been for this reason that the Court of Appeal preferred to regard the case as one which might have been disposed of under section 78 had not the trial judge wrongly taken the view that that section also requires some misconduct on the part of the police .
7 ‘ She had not the spirit to stand up for her own mother .
8 In fact , he would have elbowed the ‘ Jottings ’ long ago had not the Chairman of his Board reminded him that Nye Bevan had once found them ‘ bloody civilized ’ .
9 Where he might have been standing still had not the eagles lunged at him , as if moments before it fell they had sensed that some danger was there and had sought to protect him .
10 No doubt the infant would have followed the adults down the well , too , had not the Padre offered to take the risk of burying it .
11 Quinn 's brow furrowed ; he had not checked the stones himself — he had not the skill to tell real diamonds from good forgeries — but now prayed no one had been foolish enough to insert a proportion of paste among the gems .
12 Living in close proximity in such a small cottage may have caused difficulties ; one gathers that Coleridge 's domestic arrangements included benevolent toleration of mice , whom he had not the heart to kill .
13 She had not the heart to embarrass him by refusing a request so diffidently expressed .
14 The result was an exact compound of parts , no more , no less , and we had not the heart to continue the troublesome process for ourselves .
15 And Gemma had not the heart to tell either of them how much they wearied her .
16 McAllister , who had put the doll down , and was now fetching out her work basket to embroider pansies on some fine lawn dresses made for the bazaar by the aforesaid ladies , said , ‘ I did n't mean to become involved , you know , but Matey has been so kind to me — when not slave-driving me , you understand — that when she asked me to accompany her I had not the heart to refuse , and strangely , after I began to work for the bazaar , I found that it was most rewarding . ’
17 ‘ One can only speculate what would have happened had this not been done but I seriously doubt if we would be meeting here today had not the capital infusion been made in 1990 and this plan put into place and well executed .
18 But now , we said to our people , if anybody has something about Eismark that they had not the money to explore , now we can unlock the money . ’
19 The manuscript had just been discovered in the uncatalogued recesses of the British Museum ; it was exciting work , said the doctor , but difficult : the manuscript was badly damaged and as he had not the money to go to London he was having to work from a smudged xerox copy .
20 … most of the theft-murders that have resulted in capital convictions since the Act have been committed by stupid persons , who had not the sense to see how easily they could be caught , and how much safer it would have been to do the job in a different way .
21 Louisa was left feeling that she had been appointed audience to a play of the wife 's devising , one in which the heroine 's suffering was the principal theme and which might , indeed , have been moving had not the sense of theatre been so pronounced , and had the script been less expressive of a plaintive heart than of its tribulations .
22 The demands of the king upon the realm for sacrifices and contributions towards the war effort would have been much less effective even than they were , had not the church acted as a kind of ministry of information and propaganda .
23 Gooch reached his half-century by pushing Waqar off his hip for four , and might have had four more had not the ball bobbled off the wretched Cornhill advertisement mat at straight-hit .
24 During his opening speech , I asked the Secretary of State a question to which he did not give a full or satisfactory answer — why had not the Government sought to introduce those measures before they privatised monopolies , rather than wait until the customers had suffered the consequences of several years of high prices and not necessarily improved services ?
25 Lear had managed to attract 175 subscribers for the Parrots but had not the temperament or the means to press them for payment .
26 A pair of keen black eyes burned fiercely in their sunken sockets , and as she met their sardonic gaze she drew back and would have fled , had not the servant been close behind her .
27 All of these ideas — and there are countless other examples — have advanced the course of science considerably : who knows where our science and scientific theory would be now had not the monolith of scientific orthodoxy stood for so long in their way ?
28 The house had not the vistas or the parkland of Auckland Castle , and its chapel could hardly compete with the chapel at Auckland , but it had good walks along the Ouse .
29 However , although the University College had not the prestige of the University it became , we had our celebrities .
30 and would have done so , had not the laws of nature prevented it .
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