Example sentences of "had [not/n't] [adv] seen " in BNC.

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1 He had repeated , over and over again , what Gigia had said , of her humiliation before Ellen Wilson , of how she had not even seen Oreste .
2 I had not been thinking about him , I had not even seen him for months .
3 The driver had not even seen him .
4 I had some difficulty in persuading him that I had not even seen , let alone read , the book , either in manuscript or in print .
5 He had not paid enough attention to Anna , he had not even seen the girl , and yet she was the only one to benefit obviously and directly from her father dying when he did .
6 In recent years many British public libraries have increased the proportion of their resources committed to satisfying unexpressed need , by taking staff away from the library base to work in institutions in the community , and by changing the nature of collections to appeal to groups who had not previously seen public libraries as providing a service useful to them .
7 This prayer alert called several together who had not previously seen it as their responsibility .
8 She had been magically conjured up out of dream words and dulcimer sounds and trees of spice , a creature from a pleasure-dome he had not yet seen , a Queen of Pleasures brought to life just for him , just for now .
9 The exhibition Ladislav wanted me to see and which he had not yet seen himself , was a series of documents and photographs relating to the events of 1968 , none of which had been made public before .
10 He told Richardson that a Dutch gentleman had given him Frageria chiloensis , a native strawberry from the Spanish West Indies , but although Miller had not yet seen the fruit he quoted A. F. Frézier who ‘ in his Voyages says it grows as big as a pullet 's egg … a great rarity ’ .
11 The three rabbits were returning down the bank of the stream and had not yet seen Hazel and the others .
12 Chairman Bob Gavron said that the group had not yet seen an upturn in its markets , and that the modest increase in pretax profits was achieved by an increase in market share in some businesses , an improved product mix , greater efficiency and cost containment .
13 She imagined she could hear it at her back , behind the house and the soft green swell of land that shielded it , could hear the breaking thud of the winter waves on the shore she had not yet seen .
14 Then she realised that it must be Ianthe Broome , the canon 's daughter they were always talking about , and perhaps in some way a kind of ‘ rival ’ for the affections of a man she had not yet seen .
15 She shrank into the furthest corner just as the door was pushed open , thankful that Jack had not yet seen fit to light the sconces against the shadows of late afternoon .
16 because the members had not yet seen the site
17 Mr Keith Banks , a principal education officer for Durham , said he had not yet seen the guarantee in writing .
18 Although he had not actually seen her , he had been assured by the surgeon that she is doing well .
19 The manuscript books with their red bindings which he had not actually seen .
20 It appeared that Mrs de Crespigny had not actually seen Barton 's snake-like right hand thrust itself up Amaranth 's navy blue skirt .
21 This , despite the fact that he had not long seen the evidence of its use with his own eyes , in the shape of the two sprawled corpses at the gas station .
22 After much discussion and some practise sorties a dogfight routine was worked out , as Lindsey recalls : ‘ In those days dogfighting World War Two aircraft at airshows was a routine that the public had not really seen before and it was rather exciting for us pilots to re-enact the aerial combats of yesteryear .
23 He said he believed the Emperor was with the troops on the Brussels road , but he had not personally seen him .
24 ‘ I assure you , ’ he said with weary cynicism , ‘ I did n't see anything I had n't already seen .
25 I asked the inspector if there were any dogs we had n't yet seen .
26 She had n't yet seen his own advertisement in that morning 's paper , but he had told her he was putting one in .
27 Resigned to whatever the next game would be , she followed him , fighting her instinctive trust of the man whose face she had n't yet seen .
28 She had n't even seen her mother since she was three years old .
29 Until a few days ago she had n't even seen a submarine .
30 The Eladeldi had been so quick arriving she had n't even seen what had happened to the Capellan float .
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