Example sentences of "had [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We got about six sentences too deep in our conversation for her to institute personal questions about my background , without appearing offensive ( she had to treat me as a person now and not a peon ) , even for Asians who delight in asking pertinent questions as to age , income , etc. , unthinkable for more backward Europeans .
2 The police had to tow him to a lay-by or something , or to the side cos erm it just cut out and that was it !
3 and we balance it out that we had to built the caravan , the deadline we had to tow it across there in back end of March .
4 You were n't allowed to have a hearse , you had to carry them to the church , and er er we used to b bury them by lamp light .
5 But before they reached the other side , Caesar cried out to Cassius for help , so Cassius had to carry him to safety .
6 I had to carry her over the wall , can you imagine , to get her to my rooms .
7 I fell down in a kind of madness , and they had to carry me from the room .
8 Anyway today we had the scene where Matt had to hit me with the paddle sort of semi-accidentally .
9 He had n't any money so he had to borrow it off Gillian .
10 So I had to borrow it off Maggie .
11 Unused as I am to public scribbling , and tardy to boot ( I 've just read your December/January issue ) , I felt I had to thank you for saving me time and trouble ( not to mention hard-won shekels ) , in a search for something which obviously does not exist .
12 You had to wear them at certain times .
13 A gentle breeze broke the absolute silence , moving the curtain so that he had to steady it with his hand .
14 But if she had to liken him to anything it would be an overgrown teddy bear in determined pursuit of his honey .
15 And then , suddenly , I had to see him as a MAN — my husband !
16 He had to see it for himself .
17 I had to strap them to my bicycle , which is why they look a bit battered . ’
18 I had to isolate her from the rest . ’
19 There may be economies in using higher educational facilities as locations for events and academics as consultants ; and some of these resources may be cheaper than they would be if the company had to provide them as a call on the payload .
20 We also had to provide them with lunch at 2.30 pm .
21 I realized I just had to accept him for what he was , and when I learnt to do that , he did the same to me - accepted me without question , in all my imperfection , in all that made me unworthy of him .
22 How many days it was out of service and this that and the other and erm they used to send us an invoice on the mileage run because at the same time we knew what tyres were on the bus we had to inform them of any tyre changes and they kept records the same as us .
23 Now , somehow holding a piton with his useless hand , he had to hammer it into the rock with the other .
24 After the resurrection Jesus had to rebuke them for their dullness before showing them once again — and this time more explicitly — how , like the spokes of a wheel , the whole message of the Bible converged on himself .
25 Clare had to catch him for me , all 5ft 1in of her .
26 He suffered defeat and banishment , but there were others who had to suffer it with him .
27 Alice was supposed to help but she always woke up too late because she had been working for her exam ; Emmie had to shake her for nearly five minutes before she came up , moaning , out of a deep well of sleep .
28 Finally , he had to hide her in a cellar .
29 He remembered that Firelight had to feed it with milk , but where she kept it he had no idea .
30 He got out of the planes coming , we , we was coming over from de Laborgie and you give him the needle and I had to lead him off the lead him off the plane , and going down over the chimneys in Chantilly to landu Laborgie he goes , woo ooh ooh , getting ready you know .
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