Example sentences of "had [vb pp] no time " in BNC.

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1 His mother had had no time for him , and his father disapproved of him .
2 He had had no time to acquaint himself with his fief , twice seen , and well enough served by its own .
3 It was not fair to say that he– parents had had no time for her or for Joe ; all four of the family had worked together , and , as the settlement grew , they had enjoyed churchgoing and Easters and Christmases with their neighbours .
4 He had only been in the cellar for about one minute when the ghost appeared and he had had no time to doze .
5 The author recalls an able Treasury minister who , after resignation , became a convinced and cogent parliamentary reformer , explaining that as a minister he had had no time to work out this aspect of policy and therefore , since the Treasury was opposed to more specialist committees of the House of Commons , he used the brief they provided and he had been a formidable opponent of these reforms at the Cabinet Committee level .
6 He had had no time to confer with his client and only twelve hours to study the charges .
7 Prime Minister Jan Olszewski said that his newly-formed government had had no time to prepare its own budget , and asked parliament " with a heavy heart and a true sense of responsibility " to accept the measures before it .
8 The chairman was clearly annoyed at Maradona 's claim that he had had no time to notify him on Monday before returning to Argentina for the friendly against Denmark .
9 No less important , the choice of 2nd May had left no time to consult them beforehand and they resented what appeared to be an arbitrary order .
10 At Eton , he had been fag to a charmless older boy who had wasted no time in introducing Henry to the joys of homosexuality .
11 Fleury turned away , sickened , for Chloe had wasted no time in bounding forward to eat away the sepoy 's face .
12 The Padre had wasted no time in equipping himself with fresh and healthy bearers and now had himself carried with exhilarating swiftness in a litter to where the Collector was standing with the General .
13 He had wasted no time , the body was almost warm as life , only no breath in him , so we let all alone until morning .
14 He had already heard Osvaldo was dead — the malais had wasted no time in letting that he known — but the circumstances had been different .
15 The man 's wife had wasted no time going through his closets picking up worn and odd pairs .
16 She had still been smarting from her unjust dismissal for ‘ over-familiarity with the management ’ at Ardis & Co , when she had wasted no time in squashing two men in particular at Vasey 's who had shown more interest in her than in their work .
17 The German defenders had pulled out and , from their new positions , they had lost no time in setting up their mortars .
18 She was on the point of ordering some of her people to hurry over to Acropolis Park to call in person , when one of her more canny officers , who had lost no time in searching the sector , arrived back at the Club .
19 They had lost no time .
20 Hugo Brassard confirmed with obvious reluctance that Georgina Newley had lost no time in taking control of her husband 's business after his disappearance .
21 Martinho had lost no time in recounting the true details of Osvaldo 's moment of weakness , the point at which he 'd flipped his lid for the first and last time in his career , that murderous aberration which had been the doom of old friend and new foe alike .
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