Example sentences of "had [vb pp] them with " in BNC.

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1 She regarded the Tollemarche ladies as being outside the pale , and had treated them with such blatant condescension that they had quailed , and had sought her goodwill by voting her hastily into offices in those organizations in which she had deigned to take an interest .
2 The River Thames had received them with some kindness , not passing on to them hepatitis or typhoid or any of the other plagues its waters might be carrying .
3 The MPs said Mr Clarke had received them with great sympathy and had promised to take time to consider every possible factor which could strengthen the town 's security .
4 Meryl had joined them with some reluctance after the welcoming address , but the moment had been well chosen ; Anthea and the professor had been deep in conversation with an eager group of ladies from Leicester , leaving Meryl momentarily alone .
5 Treadwell certainly had n't mentioned any of this when Spruce had interviewed them with the Bishop .
6 They also knew that the arrested men were respectable and law-abiding and they were highly indignant when they heard that an official spokesman had smeared them with the suggestion of criminal activities .
7 By this time the family was based at Fortitude Valley , Brisbane , a " tough little corps " where the larrikins had knocked down the Salvation Army lasses when they were first trying to get established , and the crowd had pelted them with mud , stones and stale fish .
8 By the time she had fed them with the filthy stuff , she was covered in oil and stuck all over with cotton fly .
9 I had seen them with the eyes of a young buy , but Edward who knew them well was able to interpret them with the mind of a man .
10 Always grumbling , he had threatened them with all kinds of dreadful punishment if he had caught them walking in St Andrew 's churchyard or sheltering in the porch .
11 A few weeks later I had a letter from them , saying another man had visited them with a barn owl , but it was n't as good as Dawn .
12 A mole working inside Cranborne School had supplied them with a mailing-list of all Muslim parents whose children had been rejected by ‘ This is a Christian Country ’ Gyles , the Junior School headmaster , and Robert and Maisie had been through the telephone directory , picking out anyone with a Muslim-sounding name .
13 Thus in D v NSPCC [ 1978 ] AC 171 the court was willing to permit the NSPCC to withhold the name of their informant but in British Steel Corporation v Granada Television Ltd [ 1981 ] 1 All ER 417 the defendants were ordered to disclose the name of the plaintiff 's employee who had supplied them with confidential information belonging to the plaintiff .
14 The teacher had helped them with the capital letter to begin the sentence and the full stop at the end .
15 They behaved as though the European exchange rate mechanism had equipped them with a monetary policy and had left no point in discussing the subject further .
16 It was their own indolence which had landed them with a murder which could probably be explained and might even have been prevented , if they had taken a bit more trouble .
17 The secret that lay between them , those minutes when he had held her shaking body against the tree trunk and stared into her eyes , compelling obedience , had bound them with a cord so strong that it could n't be frayed , either by the enormity of their shared guilty secret , or by the small rubs of living together .
18 Chatichai , who had previously removed three parties from his ruling coalition and had replaced them with two new members , had been under pressure for some time from the military and the media to carry out an extensive reshuffle in order to cleanse his government of allegedly corrupt elements .
19 Sophie had brought them with her the previous night .
20 If Nenna had brought them with her to Grace , they must certainly have been ruined by the damp .
21 The unimaginable heat and weight of Fenna had pressed the ooze in the cave , pressed so hotly and heavily that the molecules of mud were squeezed apart , breaking up into carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms , and his weight had compressed the carbon atoms into diamond crystals , and more and more diamonds until his hoard was a lure to garish youths , who had toiled up to his cave and exchanged riddles and blows with him , but when he had fixed them with his ancient evil little eyes , they retreated abashed to sing his praises .
22 Members of a group attempting to reach the embassy the night before said policemen had hit them with rubber truncheons and turned them back .
23 When he had retired with their order and the drinks waiter had served them with lime daiquiris , Barney planted his elbows on the table and leaned towards Melissa .
24 Athelstan waited until the slattern had served them with goblets of wine .
25 When he had been keeping Desdemona company , awaiting Othello 's arrival from Venice , Iago had entertained them with impromptu ( and bitter ) rhymes , describing his imagination 's preliminary working ( the rhetorical process of inventio ) in these terms : Frieze is a coarse woollen cloth , birdlime a viscous stuff used to entangle : the destructive collocation of the two seems an apt metaphor for Iago 's ‘ invention ’ .
26 Thankfully , her mother was n't in and Doreen , the maid , had plied them with milk and biscuits .
27 Group chairman Kneale Ashwell said the deepening world recession had left them with no option but to cut jobs .
28 When Mrs Parker had left them with their coffee and cigarettes , Teesdale spoke to the chaplain .
29 We had taken them with the aforementioned pinch of salt .
30 He had not forgotten , either , the story Bartolomeo Zorzi had regaled them with last night , and which he supposed had now been repeated to Nicholas .
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