Example sentences of "had [vb pp] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So she had placed them on the mantel with the vase and the dragon plates , and Gerry had promised her two more , next time he docked in Cape Town .
2 In the past , the orthodox approach had been to take these literally , while the rationalists had dismissed them as arbitrary fiction .
3 Soon she had formed them into a big circle , like this : —
4 For a moment she could n't think what he meant , then she remembered with dismay that she 'd already asked him to join her and Elaine and a few of the island friends they 'd made on the new power-boat Stephen had treated them to as the hotel neared completion .
5 She regarded the Tollemarche ladies as being outside the pale , and had treated them with such blatant condescension that they had quailed , and had sought her goodwill by voting her hastily into offices in those organizations in which she had deigned to take an interest .
6 The decision arose from a claim lodged with the ECJ by a group of mainly Spanish-owned fishing companies , employing vessels registered as British , that amendments to the UK 1988 Merchant Shipping Act which excluded 95 of their vessels from British waters were illegal under EC law and had exposed them to financial ruin .
7 They had all learned from him ; she and Lisa still spoke , stylistically , as he had taught them to .
8 All the same , the theme is still national honour and personal loyalty , the lessons which Dick teaches to Anastasia as successfully as he had taught them to the weak but responsive Carol .
9 And it seemed to her that she was at least two people , for the person who had plunged them into the forest and brought them to this spot was not the same as the person who sat here waiting for Allen to say what he was doing , and for the Friar to return .
10 The new technology of automation had stripped them of any human dignity in their labour .
11 These are moderate to severe pain relievers , but numerous instances were cited in the interviews where GPs had prescribed them for relatively minor ailments , some of which were fictitious , such as headaches , backache and arthritis .
12 But the archaeologists ' obsession with the past had blinded them to the real cause of the lamentations they witnessed along the river .
13 Fate had parted them for ever , but she would never know any other man in the way she had known Tyler .
14 It was reported that , when ZANU-PF held primary elections in mid-February to select its candidates , several senior party officials , including Joyce Mujuru ( Minister of Community Development and Co-operatives ) , had been defeated , but that Mugabe had reinstated them after nullifying the results .
15 Sister had heard them from the S.C.O . 's office and was already beside me .
16 The bagman-fox , now on home ground , had delayed them by running up a long culvert .
17 Speaking after the presentation , Mr Ashwell said the Wedgwood Fine Dining Awards were coveted by restaurants around the world and appreciated by those who had received them over the years .
18 The River Thames had received them with some kindness , not passing on to them hepatitis or typhoid or any of the other plagues its waters might be carrying .
19 The MPs said Mr Clarke had received them with great sympathy and had promised to take time to consider every possible factor which could strengthen the town 's security .
20 The old retainer who had received them on their first visit tried to help but Cranston pushed him gently away , saying it was a holiday and besides he was here at Sir Richard 's request to pursue his inquiries privately .
21 He could not afford to antagonize Anselm , but — with motives very similar to those which led Anselm to maintain the rights of his see as he had received them from his predecessors — he had no intention of abandoning any rights enjoyed by his father and brother .
22 She confessed that Sally-Anne had written them on old ones Miss Laura had collected on earlier trips , and Miss Laura had posted them for her , to deceive us .
23 And inwardly she thanked fate that , after all , Jake had stopped them on their flight to London .
24 Because er , he he he had given them of of how he had become a Christian , he had become a minister of Jesus Christ and so on , he says , for this reason I suffer these things , but I am not ashamed , for I know whom I have believed .
25 Uncle Walter had given them to him , Philip .
26 Maureen said : ‘ I did n't think about them again until that psychic woman asked for them , but it was only after I had given them to her I realized they were n't his at all .
27 I had given them to Menna when he first left to take up his post .
28 He warmed the pot , instinctively found the tea in the caddy Frances 's Auntie Pamela had given them as a wedding present , and brewed up .
29 Several women friends of Waddell said that he had given them within days of the murder large sums of money ; and a barman to whom Waddell had given £1000 for safe keeping said Waddell had told him he had won a packet on the horses .
30 The Imperium had assigned them for life to Quintus , to assist in its uplift .
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