Example sentences of "had [vb pp] on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In anticipation of an army coup , Croatia and Slovenia had placed on alert the security forces under their control — the police and the newly formed gendarmerie , the so-called specijalci .
2 As planning progressed the four groups into which the staff were easily divided ( because they had taught on four different sites ) came together in their views .
3 The things they had grazed on lay around the bed — the remnants of a baguette , some salami , tomatoes , a pot of cottage cheese , a big wooden bowl of fruit .
4 Who could fail to be stirred by the thought of such purpose , reaching back over generations to the men who had gathered on this spot two centuries before ?
5 Temperature — an intense degree of heat — was the route that the big machines , the hot fusion tokamaks , had been following in their attempt to induce the nuclei to meet ; Fleischmann and Pons believed that they had stumbled on another way — intense pressures provided by the natural make-up of solid palladium .
6 Yet even as one half of her mind speculated on its significance , the other half reminded her that if she had stumbled on this odd circumstance , then the police would almost certainly have done so in the course of their routine enquiries and , since Barney was still their prime suspect , found a satisfactory explanation .
7 After a while it seemed to me amusing that such preparations as a wedding involve should surround the plain , pale husk that was me and that no one had commented on this incongruity .
8 As Caparo showed , there had to be a specific relationship between the function that the defendant was requested to perform and the transaction in relation to which the plaintiff said he had relied on proper performance .
9 The fighting had stopped on 29 April 1945 , and he had spent 11 days in Allied-occupied Austria , leaving on 22 May .
10 Here we were disturbed by no one , it seemed that the whole world had stopped on this Scottish Sabbath .
11 Pleas for housing made at council meetings , he said , had fallen on deaf ears .
12 For a few seconds she thought her outburst had fallen on deaf ears , then Rune said softly , ‘ Yes , of course , you 're right .
13 The acceptance of the R.A.F. mission , with its hardship of travel to distant and nasty places and audiences of anything but the kind he was humanly fitted to deal with , lonely , cheerless , embarrassed journeys leaving little behind but doubt whether any seed had fallen on good soil ; ali this was in its way an imitation of St. Paul .
14 Their marriages had fallen on stony ground but it seemed to me there was still hope .
15 In May 1856 , two months after his speech in Moscow , the tsar met Nazimov at Brest and discovered that , in the north-west , his words had fallen on fruitful soil .
16 This vision of a featureless future was not only dreadful in itself , but appeared to mock the efforts of those who , like Job , tried to do God 's will , but had fallen on evil days .
17 She was not impressed when her spouse informed her there was a member of the gentry below , for the only visitors of that sort to frequent her humble hostelry were those who had fallen on evil times .
18 It was in the summer of 1959 that a man with untidy hair , a crumpled suit and pens clipped to his outside breast pocket , looking like a schoolmaster who had fallen on hard times , boarded a plane at London Airport for East Berlin .
19 Racking the brains because a friend had fallen on hard times — the engine of his old VW has dropped a valve .
20 He had seen Hugo from time to time in the intervening years ; he knew from Hugo 's cousin Christian that his former tutor had fallen on hard times .
21 The club had fallen on hard times , and the arrival of a travelling circus of the long hairs , trainee freaks and happening performers seemed like a good idea .
22 There , Stirling heard by radio that Tripoli had fallen on 23 January , and thus Jordan 's mission was vital .
23 By Thursday no Iraqi missile had fallen on Turkish soil , but the debris of a misfired Patriot anti-missile missile had , and air-raid sirens had gone off in Adana .
24 For years before becoming president , Reagan had harped on conservative economic themes .
25 Straight after his Open win , Seve had vanished on another crusade , to beat another army , and save another universe . ’
26 ‘ Poor old Home Office ’ , Soskice had minuted on one file .
27 They had sat on opposite sides of the empty fireplace in the drawing room for some time without speaking , each wondering how the subject could be broached .
28 Peirson had resigned on 1st February 1651 , and there were two candidates for the post , William Duncan and Thomas Coombes .
29 There were several little alleyways that he might have used and they had a man watching each one ; but then in the end he approached from the other side , not through the bazaar at all but along through the streets , the way they themselves had come on that previous visit .
30 That Minton had responded on many levels is evident not only from his paintings but also from an illustrated article which he wrote for Vogue .
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