Example sentences of "had [vb pp] with the " in BNC.

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1 With these resignations by Mahmut Alinak and Mahmut Uyanik the SHP now contributed only 70 seats to the ruling coalition which it had formed with the True Path Party ( DYP ) [ see also pp. 38739 ; 38873 ] .
2 So whereas he had treated with the pro-English party in Scotland in the first half of 1543 , in 1544 it was the pro-French faction which was uppermost in his mind .
3 He and his friends had collaborated with the Japs , but had quickly seen that the independence granted to Burma was fictitious and that the Burmese people were being exploited for Japanese imperialism .
4 The practical reason was that because we had collaborated with the Russian museums for earlier exhibitions we were able to make an agreement and bring together our collections with theirs .
5 Fundamental to everything was the bitter experience of Japanese colonialism and the determination to eliminate the legacy of that experience together with those who had collaborated with the Japanese .
6 Of the ten most active fellows ( including Robert Boyle , Jonathan Goddard , Henry Oldenburg , William Petty , John Wilkins , Lord Brouncker , Walter Charleton , John Evelyn , Sir Robert Moray , and Christopher Wren ) , the first five had collaborated with the parliamentarian regime , suggesting a higher proportion of puritan involvement than that indicated by the larger sample .
7 Nationalisation was not new to France — the railways had been put into State ownership in 1937 — but support for economic planning had grown during the war as a way towards national renewal , greater investment and improved working conditions , and also as a way to punish businessmen who had collaborated with the Nazis .
8 Bouterse claimed that Shankar had collaborated with the Netherlands government to humiliate him by failing to lodge a diplomatic protest when , on three occasions during December , he was denied access to the Netherlands or to the local press while in transit at Amsterdam airport .
9 A BTA ( Bulgarian news agency ) report cited in Le Monde of March 12 claimed that Patriarch Maxim had collaborated with the security services under the communist regime .
10 We had arranged with the agents that if we were interested we would stay the night in a local hotel and the next day meet the builder who had done much of the reconstruction of the place .
11 Meanwhile , very serious problems had developed with the National Coal Board .
12 ‘ When I was a kid in California my flying instructor was a guy who had flown with the Lafayette Escadrille in France .
13 The South African Communist Party ( SACP — which had been unbanned in February ) was formally relaunched as a legal organization at a rally on July 29 [ see below ] , amid controversy over allegations that it had conspired with the ANC 's military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe to use violence to overthrow the government if the current negotiations were to break down .
14 All patients aged under 18 , with dementia or severe psychiatric illness , in institutions , or who had registered with the practice within the previous year were excluded from the study .
15 Paisley had supported him again once he had broken with the Official Unionists .
16 Part of her annoyance was brought about by the fact that she had never met nor heard of Mary Brown but part of it was fuelled by the fact that her son had broken with the faith .
17 He met C.L.R. James with his individual brand of Marxism and pan-Africanism ( James had broken with the Comintern ) , and he studied the writings of Marcus Garvey which ‘ did more than any other to fire my enthusiasm ’ .
18 On the day after Aquino 's announcement it was reported that 28 congressmen and 22 governors had broken with the LDP and announced their support for Ramos .
19 The Salinas government had hailed his arrest as a blow against corruption , but there was widespread speculation that Galicia was in fact being targeted because he had broken with the PRI during the 1988 elections .
20 In other words , he had broken with the model after their blink-of-the-eye affair .
21 His successor , Majorian , is unlikely to have gained the support of the Burgundians in 458 , when he drove them out of the lands which they had received with the approval of the Gallo-Roman senators .
22 Dan had stopped with the guide outside a doorway .
23 It turned out Lewis had checked with the education college about the course .
24 He said he had checked with the weather centre on neighbouring Tiree and told Mr Watts that the weather was ‘ marginal ’ .
25 He had ridden out for his mother 's people as well , and finally , he had joined with the people of the Court , ‘ For ’ l he had thought , ‘ it is my people , my half-brother the Gruagach seek to drive out . ’
26 In the preceding months the PS had sought to step up pressure on the government ; it had joined with the PCP in tabling a censure motion in parliament in October 1989 attacking the government for its low ethical standards ; although the motion was defeated , attention was again turned to the then Finance Minister , Miguel Ribeiro Cadilhe , following allegations early in the year of his financial misconduct [ see p. 36945 ] .
27 As one contemporary , writing at the end of William 's reign , put it , " One would have thought that the Distinction of Parties was quite worn out , when the Church had quitted the Doctrines of Passive Obedience and Non-resistance " , and had joined with the Whigs and Dissenters to call James to account for his maladministration and establish a liberty of conscience .
28 And all the time , she thought as she sat at her desk nursing the remains of her hangover , Angy had been dead in her little one-room flat , alone and open-eyed , lying where she had fallen with the knife in her throat and her lifeblood flooding her lungs .
29 They lived frugally off a diet of porridge and lentils and beans and yogurt ; they drank a little beer , making it spin out ; they shared book-buying ; they were both entirely confined to their grants , which did not go far in London , and could not be supplemented with holiday earnings , for these had vanished with the oil crisis .
30 The primacy had vanished with the setting up of four archbishoprics directly dependent on the pope .
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