Example sentences of "had [vb pp] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The court heard he had placed the original bet for a £1 stake and paid 10p tax at Ladbrokes in his home town .
2 All that the Europeans had to do was defeat the existing ruler and proclaim that their own ruler had filled the vacant throne .
3 And , to add the final touch , Phillips 's insight had filled the only remaining gap by proposing , albeit in skeletal form , an empirical model of inflation which was to be theoretically fleshed out by Lipsey .
4 Mr Ashdown , who loves to tell us that his campaign alone concentrates on ‘ the real issues ’ , had filled the entire broadcast with pictures of himself .
5 Lanfranc himself was only partly converted , and , even in his last days , he was still giving quantities of the bodies of his predecessors , which had filled the old church before the fire of 1067 , to his new foundation of canons outside the walls of the city .
6 Sergio and Bacco from 1206 : he had filled the important office of papal chamberlain .
7 As already stated , the clergy had sustained the catholic — nationalist populace over centuries of oppression .
8 In short , quite apart from economic or foreign policy considerations , the social momentum which had sustained the British throughout their difficult experiences since 1945 was not being maintained .
9 The treatment meted out was degrading and she had hated the middle classes ever after .
10 As a child Vidor had hated the Military Academy at San Antonio and he very much wanted to make ‘ an honest war picture ’ that would correct the excessive jingoism of the normal Hollywood war film .
11 Their mother had hated the very thought of anything that could lessen the love between her and Dana , and she had taught her that the bond between them was only imagination on Claudia 's part .
12 He had hated the little brochure that described it — the pathetic attempt to make it look glamorous , the photographs of it , posed , doors open , doors shut , desperately trying not to look like what it was — a square box with hideous speckled seats .
13 ‘ Elizabeth ’ I got out and , suddenly emboldened , ‘ Like our great queen ’ I added , hoping I had guessed the correct period , thought it did for the present as a well .
14 For an ugly moment I had been convinced she had guessed the real reason for my avid professional interest in Bill Francis .
15 She had dismissed the instinctive feeling before , but it was still there , and Glyn had merely heightened it .
16 The four opposition parties which had formed the Democratic Bloc in May [ see p. 38982 ] voiced opposition to the constitutional proposals .
17 Brian Faulkner , having lost control of the Unionist Party , had formed the new Unionist Party of Northern Ireland which could only field two candidates and won less than three per cent of the poll .
18 At about that time a number of hotel-schools who had been involved in looking at accreditation with EURHODIP [ a group which has developed a European hotel diploma ] had formed the European Foundation for the Accreditation of Hotelschool Programmes [ EFAH ] .
19 One of the most respected of our club members , on our committee of management , Pavel Pavlovich Gaganov , an elderly man ad highly esteemed , had formed the innocent habit of following anything he had to say with the vehement addition , ‘ No , sir , you ca n't lead me by the nose ! ’
20 By 1978 they had formed the International Crustal Research Drilling Group and a team of a dozen or so , along with graduate students and drillers , was at work in Iceland .
21 The trial judge directed the jury if at the time he collected the coins the defendant had formed the dishonest intention of keeping them for himself he was guilty of theft .
22 It was announced on Nov. 6 that former Prime Minister Col. Kasdi Merbah , who had resigned in October from the central committee of the ruling National Liberation Front ( FLN ) [ see p. 37795 ] , had formed the Algerian Movement for Justice and Development .
23 He had been involved with Buddhism to the point of almost becoming a monk , and had formed the mixed media troupe called Feathers , after studying mime under Lindsay Kemp .
24 In 1947 he had formed the English Opera Group , which performed his works .
25 A little earlier , the Westite Official Unionists , Vanguard Unionists and Democratic Unionists had formed the United Ulster Unionist Council to oppose the pro-government Faulknerite Official Unionists .
26 The ILP and BSP had formed the United Socialist Council in October 1916 when the Labour Party had appeared to be irrevocably committed to the war .
27 The four main opposition parties announced on June 30 that they had formed the National Democratic Front to co-ordinate their election campaign .
28 He displayed his contempt for Hollywood at the awards ceremony by refusing to accept the gold statuette and sending an Indian girl in his stead to protest at the way the movie industry had treated the Red Man .
29 When my husband 's mother , Lakey , died , an extraordinary scene of pillage went on in her little Blackpool bungalow after Jack had uttered the fateful sentence to visiting friends and relatives ‘ Take whatever you want . ’
30 But when the last apostle died , and Jesus , who had uttered the mysterious words , ‘ There are some of those standing here who will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God come with power ’ ( Mark 9:1 ) , had not returned — what were they to think ?
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