Example sentences of "had [vb pp] to that " in BNC.

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1 At 1st April 1991 , the date of the latest actuarial valuation , the market value of the main UK scheme 's assets was £277.4 million , the actuarial value of which represented 141% of the liability for benefits that had accrued to that date making full allowance for future salary and pension increases and after taking into account benefit changes introduced as of 1st April 1991 .
2 Petur Beron on Dec. 3 announced his intention to resign as chair of the UDF co-ordinating council ( he had succeeded to that post after Zhelev had resigned it in August upon being elected President ) .
3 ‘ The thought that he had come to that state of despair would break my heart . ’
4 It is necessary I had come to that view for me , at that time it was necessary for me to contact one of the duty Chief Officers and on this occasion it was the Assistant Chief Constable Mr , so I made contact with him .
5 Meeting Milan Kucan , the Slovenian President , on July 23 , Jovic issued a severe warning against precipitate action ; he added , however , that any republic would be entitled to request the right of secession from the SFRY provided its people had voted to that effect , and that the final decision would rest with the SFRY Assembly , which would consult the views of all other republics .
6 If the new rates had applied to that year they would have wiped out the interest and still left £5.67 to pay !
7 Philip Pesaro had seen to that .
8 The news on the radio had seen to that .
9 Women with their womb-smelling warmth , their talcum powder and milky breasts had seen to that in the first four weeks of life .
10 But the Foley boys were n't pampered either ; their mother had seen to that .
11 Tom Tremayne had seen to that and Liza , irresponsible and hedonistic as she was , could not quite see herself leaving Harriet holding the baby while she went off to undertake some kind of training .
12 The corn laws had seen to that .
13 William Joyce and the Communists between them had seen to that .
14 But times had changed , the Great War had seen to that .
15 Grace had seen to that , but it was late and as she sat on the King 's throne in the wings , she wished with all her heart that she could be in bed .
16 The bonfire had seen to that .
17 An earlier phone call to Springfield from Curtis had seen to that , when the lieutenant had passed on his suspicion that the sect could in fact be a front for a Triad drugs operation .
18 We had gotten to that section of the tune where it was obvious that we had played enough for the outro and I decided , off the top of my head , to start playing a song that I had started writing earlier in the week .
19 And at the end of the first week he asked me how I would feel if we sold the domestic appliances businesses ( the most profitable part of the group at the time ) , and I said I did n't know how he had got to that so fast , but that it was fine with me .
20 She had agreed to that and named her fee .
21 ‘ And I thought that , because we had agreed to that , our working relationship had improved . ’
22 The lugubrious publican had seen it as his job to repel strangers and had employed to that end an impressive armoury of taciturnity , malevolent glances , warm beer and poor service .
23 Lord Fulgor Sagramoso had escaped to that insignificant mining world apparently known as Antro .
24 But , yesterday Ven had walked to that same lift with her .
25 His own father had pleaded to be given a Christian burial and Nicolae Ceauŝescu had assented to that .
26 If only he had acceded to that suggestion of hers !
27 In this instance , a well-meaning effort to give an individual the right to choose how he led his life — arguably a choice which any ‘ normal ’ person enjoys — had led to that individual becoming increasingly isolated and rejected .
28 So he had gone to that other place where , so Mrs Parvis said , red and orange fires burned day and night , so hot that glass and brick and even solid rock melted to liquid .
29 ‘ I was wondering what had happened to that , ’ she said .
30 Not the same person , though ; goodness knew what had happened to that person .
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