Example sentences of "had [vb pp] in all " in BNC.

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1 And now our small party showed the same intimacy I had witnessed in all the random groupings I had seen with a recent experience of Machu Picchu behind them .
2 Hammond had a brush with the Commonwealth 's accounts committee in 1651 , but protested that he had accounted fully and properly for all the sums which he had received in all the three armies in which he had served ; he pointed out that his account from July 1649 on was with the army in Scotland , where by this time George Monck ( later first Duke of Albemarle , q.v. ) had succeeded him as lieutenant-general of the ordnance .
3 That had been the start of their friendship with Simon , who had joined in all the social events of the group that summer .
4 This was the most dramatic move I had made in all my twenty-two years , and , buoyed up by ten cans of lager , I was convinced it was a good idea .
5 Nora was relieved at this return of monetary caution ; it supplied the motif she had missed in all the previous talk .
6 Even leading a relatively simple life on Tour would have cost around £12,000 in expenses alone if a professional had played in all 21 events last season .
7 He should have realised it before , but it was only when he had seen Juliet that the obvious had appeared in all its blatancy .
8 We had instilled in all of us a very strong sense of timing , which had to be to the second , and this had become a habit .
9 Deliberately ignoring him , she began to pick straw out of her clothes , and only when she was satisfied that she had removed every last one , and had taken in all there was to take in about her immediate surroundings , did she look up at him .
10 Over the years brambles had spread in all directions and had wound round the barbed wire , so it would have taken an axe or some other sharp tool to have gained entry , one certainly could n't have reached the top of the stairway at all .
11 Worcester was burnt , and the shire ravaged , but few people killed : they had fled in all directions .
12 She said it had prompted more real conversation between them than she had achieved in all their previous encounters .
13 Even though members of my family were born in different areas of the world , it does n't mean that we had lived in all of these areas .
14 As the Allies had discovered in all their abortive offensives , however wide the front might be there would always be a devilish machine gun on a flank that could hold up a whole division ; broaden the front to eliminate that machine gun , and inevitably there would be yet another on the new flank .
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