Example sentences of "had [vb pp] into [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And from the distance they looked like small stars of the sky that had formed into new constellations and drifted away on the still water .
2 The flagstones were slippery and so hollowed out by three centuries of passing feet that along some of the walkways the puddles had coalesced into shallow canals .
3 But sometimes these hiding places were found ; and I think that Ann and I had stumbled into one of these hiding places , where the women and children had lain , trembling with fear , listening to the sound of their approaching persecutors .
4 She would continue to define her ex-husband as diminishingly efficient , and he would go on seeing himself as an ill-equipped buffoon who had stumbled into six years of brazen luck .
5 An active guerrilla leader since the early 1960s , he had been a founder member in April 1966 of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia ( FARC ) , which had developed into one of the most durable guerrilla groups on the sub-continent , maintaining an estimated 60 fronts across the country and a force of 4,000-6,000 .
6 On Oct. 14 it was reported that a UN investigating team had flown into southern Sudan from Nairobi following the murder of a UN official and a Norwegian journalist ; two other UN staff members were missing .
7 He had floated into unknown , and as soon as he was well , unknowable , realms .
8 Anyway , I came to this old cemetery and against one wall was this kind of beehive grave affair and someone had broken into one of the graves and pulled out this baby 's coffin and smashed it open .
9 At this , the sorely-tried husband had broken into such cries of frustration and wrath that the good doctor had thrust aside his plate and gone out into the hall to discover what all the hullabaloo was about .
10 It was less than a year since he had marched into this office , having forsaken the job of Director General of the Security Service for what he regarded as a promotion , while the men of Century recoiled at what they saw as a political insult .
11 He thought that England , in forgetting her early literature , had fallen into liberal self-delusions .
12 Lanfranc 's silence about existing practices has sometimes been interpreted as a sign that the old order had fallen into complete neglect by the time he arrived at Canterbury .
13 In the mountain-top refuge of Karfi , a few straggling survivors tried to keep the Minoan way of life going , but it had fallen into lifeless stereotypes .
14 At Forest , in the nightmare season 81–82 , he had fallen into all the usual high earning traps , plus the unusual one of becoming one of the city 's leading gay scene makers .
15 They were all watching in fascination , hardly noticing , hardly understanding , that the abrupt wind from the south door had fallen into total stillness , and still , leaf by leaf now and slowly and deliberately , the leaves kept turning .
16 Her dress lay on the floor , the linoleum nursery floor — weighted by its beads , it had fallen into serpentine coils .
17 Behind the high iron railings and the gardens of palm trees , the villas had fallen into quiet decay .
18 The pupils of this generation of sociologists are people like Howard Becker and Erving Goffman , and it was their work in the 1960s that gave a new lease of life to ethnographic research after it had fallen into some disuse , in British sociology at least , in the 1950s .
19 Almost certainly textiles had fallen into some disarray by early 1524 .
20 Given too free a hand during years when he , like David II earlier , had fallen into English captivity , they resented the disciplines which their returning king was determined to impose on them in the cause of national unification .
21 The cheekbone too , and much of the left side of his face , had vanished into this ill-defined cleft , leaving the nose twisted and the mouth distorted .
22 Looking back at regular intervals to see if the stranger was following , eventually they reached the access to the street but the guide was astonished to find the man had vanished into thin air .
23 The surface temperature was 19°C and the cloud had lifted into broken stratocumulus , base 1800 feet tops 3000 feet , with more scattered stratocumulus between 5000 and 6000 feet .
24 Chemists were even suspicious of physical methods of analysis ; but the convenience of the spectroscope meant that by the 1870s it had come into regular use , as we shall see later .
25 At that point Posi chimed in to say that another vessel had come into visual range just beyond the Valve .
26 My most abiding memory will not be of the joy of the French , but the terrible sight of Pete Sampras ' face at the prize giving ceremony which looked as if he had come into intimate contact with an atom bomb .
27 For the first time in her life , Louisa had come into one of the dwellings of the Coketown Hands ; for the first time in her life , she was face to face with anything like individuality in connection with them .
28 Such were the main groups of Cossacks and anti-Tito Yugoslavs who had come into 5 Corps hands by 12 May .
29 We were the most powerful country in the world and the overwhelming fact was that astonishing amounts of money had come into ordinary people 's homes .
30 Spurs had come into this match unbeaten in their previous eight matches , and although they have improved their League standing , the cup competitions remain their best hope of success .
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