Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [prep] last " in BNC.

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1 The clouds had parted at last , and the western sky was flooded with shining gold .
2 Waving a fist at the camera , Cameron Nielson recited the names of those blacklist casualties he had avenged at last .
3 One of the leading dissidents reflected the wider view , when Winston Churchill thanked Mr Heseltine for the ‘ considerable distance ’ he had travelled since last year .
4 The water cooled too quickly for her to stay long in the bath , but afterwards she lay fully dressed on the bed for a while , listening , her spirits rising as she realised that the wind had dropped at last .
5 Even the child in Molly 's arms smiled sleepily when her sisters told her that the water had come at last .
6 The time had come at last for Confucius to bow to the sages of the modern world !
7 The birds gave voice so vigorously that relief that the sun had come at last might almost be detected in their song — the warm , exhilarating sun .
8 It was the first time the bishops had met following last November 's historic vote by the Church of England 's General Synod in favour of women 's ordination as priests .
9 " My sons told me you lost your wife in a swimming accident four years ago , Monsieur Devraux , " she had said at last , speaking quietly in French .
10 Many had to borrow money , a need that had grown since last year 's replacement of social security single grants for urgent needs or repairs by social fund loans .
11 She rose from her knees to face two pairs of eyes in which hope had died at last .
12 A chance , too , perhaps , to sort out the business deal they had talked about last week .
13 Leith was having difficulty in equating this caring-sounding Naylor with the aggressive brute she had tangled with last night when Travis revealed , ‘ But it was my mother who rang him on Friday and , it seems , confessed — something I 'd been too preoccupied to have noticed — that she 'd been worried about me for some while .
14 She would like to get her own back for that row she had got into last October .
15 And then a log broke in the hearth , sending sparks cascading , and the shadows leapt , and Grainne remembered all of the old stories , and could almost have believed that the ancient Ireland had awoken at last ; that goblins and satyrs and cloven-hoofed , pointed-eared creatures were prancing in the room with them .
16 As for Meredith , she forgot about him once she had ventured at last into the supermarket .
17 He had arrived at last .
18 Jared and Mary Tunstall had arrived at last in London , summoned by Orrin when it became apparent that Sally-Anne could not be traced .
19 The heyday of scientific economics had arrived at last .
20 Half the fleet had arrived by last night , including the joint services yacht Satquote British Defender , which was beaten for eighth place by only 37 minutes by the first of the three Finnish challengers , Martela OF .
21 Miriam could hardly believe that he had spoken at last .
22 The sensation of being observed had gone at last .
23 Mrs Beavis had gone at last .
24 And because she was remembering that , when Albert said , ‘ It 's her ring , is n't it ? ’ she was n't altogether surprised , only felt a little , shivery shock , as if something she had been half-expecting to happen , had happened at last .
25 It had happened at last !
26 The miracle she had hoped for had happened at last .
27 She was able to roam further afield now , for Kit Everard felt he could gamble on her honour ( he hoped she was becoming attached to him too ) , and allowed her to walk on the beach by herself , and swim out to sea , even though he realised it meant she could slip out of the compound , for the sections of the stockade that he had left till last would enclose the shore .
28 But the 14-year-old , who had lost in last year 's finals , did n't really need it .
29 But he felt as well something far greater — the sudden joy of life that he had pleaded for as the old eagle 's right , and in pleading for it then had begun at last to claim it as his own .
30 Further north , and a few miles west of Fréteval , which Philip had held since last June , the lord of Vendôme switched his allegiance to France .
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