Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [prep] three " in BNC.

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1 Of women who separated between 1970 and 1974 before the age of 35 , nearly one-quarter had remarried within three years , while just over half had remarried within six years .
2 The watch had stopped at three o'clock .
3 But a decade later , numbers had fallen to three million and the YHA was in crisis .
4 The same hospital said that road deaths had fallen from three in February 1982 to nil in February this year .
5 Kim had booked for three days — the longest time available .
6 At the wire Sir Ivor had won by three quarters of a length .
7 By 10pm , they were all back in the House to hear that the government had won by three votes .
8 He had walked , dishevelled and mud-plastered , out into the square from the coffee shop and thrown at the feet of the Captain those trophies that he had lifted from three different observation posts along the way .
9 While I was searching for some Arab property in the area , I had come across three young Palestinians standing beside a shabby food stall on the waterfront .
10 Announcing its decision , the Department of Environment said it had responded to three main criticisms : i ) the register would have listed all potential , not necessarily actual , contaminated sites , since it included all locations where specified industries had been sited ; ii ) sites would not be removed from the register , even if after clean-up ; iii ) there was no specific provision for determining who should bear the liability , and the costs , of the clean-up .
11 But within a few weeks of William 's appointment she had applied to three different London boroughs for a job — any job — in social work , taken the first one she 'd been offered , fixed up the flat , put the cottage on the market , found a school for Edwin , and fled from the last five years of her life with almost indecent haste .
12 Another told me she had suffered for three years with a terrible pain in her back but since following the diet the pain had completely disappeared .
13 Although Iceland had changed some years before to driving on the right , the bus which was well past its sell-by date — was right-hand drive ; the first bit of England I had seen for three weeks .
14 The house looked as it had done for three centuries ; Lord Cumbermound was in no doubt that it would manage another three .
15 In 1885 France was in possession of a colonial empire which , in 25 years , had grown to three times its original size .
16 In the upper levels of the hills the occasional pools had grown to three times their normal size , and turned every bowl of rushy upland into marsh , where the army laboured perilously for every half-mile of painful progress .
17 But although I chose it virtually at random , this does not make it ‘ typical ’ , any more than the horrific Bihar gaol described by Sinha ( 1978 ) in which 143 people had died within three years .
18 The experience so thrilled her that she decided to make a career of it , and by the age of 10 she had performed in three Broadway shows .
19 She had slept with three men in her life .
20 When she had finished hanging out the washing , before she went for the weekly shop at SavaCentre , Sara applied her lipstick , and around her throat she squirted the toilet water which she had had for three years and never before used .
21 After we had rehearsed for three weeks , on the very last night of rehearsal , we worked till four in the morning then photos were taken of us in these spangled costumes ; because they stretched from our ankles to our necks , we could n't sit down .
22 … Negotiations implied weakness : the use of force which the Dutch had employed for three centuries was the most suitable course to pursue . ’
23 A state of emergency was ordered for Baku by the USSR Supreme Soviet Presidium on Jan. 19 , after demonstrators had massed for three consecutive days outside the Azerbaijan CP central committee 's headquarters to demand the leadership 's resignation , and had erected barricades on the city 's outskirts to prevent the entry of Soviet troops .
24 By the final round the gap had narrowed to three votes , with Baburin polling 412 and Khasbulatov 409 .
25 After municipal elections last June , Mr Andreotti and the Christian Democrats ' party secretary , Arnaldo Forlani , vetoed Mr Orlando 's attempt to renew a coalition with the Communists and the Greens with which he had ruled for three of his five years as mayor of Palermo .
26 Very soon , however , his natural good looks were recognized by a film producer , and by 1919 he had appeared in three short silent dramas , despite a casting card reading ‘ does not screen well ’ .
27 It would in fact be the first hot meal the Halflings had tasted in three weeks , ever since they said farewell to their kinfolk in the Moot and marched away to join the Emperor 's army .
28 Couples 's task was made all the easier by a sad collapse of Craig Parry , who had led after three rounds but flinched , it seemed , from the prospect of becoming the first Australian to win the Masters .
29 So , when on 8 May Acheson announced that the US would send economic and military aid to the French in Indo-China ( for Gaddis Smith , the turning point — ‘ the scales had swayed for three months and then came down hard on the side of France ) the French position was at least potentially desperate and one can not help asking whether there were any countries receiving military aid under the Mutual Defense Assistance Program , other than Vietnam , in which there were such powerful revolutionary forces and where a revolutionary war was already in progress .
30 By that time , the Scottish team had gone through three practice sessions , while the Aussies from Queensland expect their post-season training to see them to a successful defence of the tournament , which starts today .
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