Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [prep] one " in BNC.

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1 That sudden movement , slight as it was , jerked away the stone which Chignell had placed behind one of the wheels .
2 The wire had cut so deeply , it had ripped off one of its legs and badly damaged another .
3 In his later years Pritchard lived in a house called Eyton Turret in Eyton-on-Severn , Shropshire , which he had formed from one of a pair of Jacobean garden buildings in the former grounds of a demolished mansion .
4 He was probably far gone enough not to realise yet that he had jumped from one box into a smaller one .
5 A crowd had gathered around one of the piers , where Marlon Brando and Lee J. Cobb were tearing chunks out of each other with docker 's hooks .
6 Chris Heginbotham , when director of Mind , wrote of one sight he had witnessed in one well-known hospital south-east of London :
7 But sometimes these hiding places were found ; and I think that Ann and I had stumbled into one of these hiding places , where the women and children had lain , trembling with fear , listening to the sound of their approaching persecutors .
8 With the enthusiasm of a boy I thought I had stumbled across one of the great masterpieces of English writing .
9 An active guerrilla leader since the early 1960s , he had been a founder member in April 1966 of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia ( FARC ) , which had developed into one of the most durable guerrilla groups on the sub-continent , maintaining an estimated 60 fronts across the country and a force of 4,000-6,000 .
10 She had been more than a little taken aback by his unexpected appearance in the area and also somewhat intrigued , though she had heard from one of the carmen who frequented the cafe that the young man had recently married .
11 Had a nice letter from one of the Romanian boys you met very concerned about my job position — he had heard from one of the others who 'd been in London in the summer and saw
12 Anyway , I came to this old cemetery and against one wall was this kind of beehive grave affair and someone had broken into one of the graves and pulled out this baby 's coffin and smashed it open .
13 Within five minutes , they had received over one hundred enquiries .
14 On Sept. 27 Ceausescu was released from custody for 90 days to undergo medical treatment for chronic cirrhosis of the liver ( a condition reportedly complicated by a stab wound he had received from one of the revolutionary mob moments after his Dec. 22 television appearance ) .
15 And there was a picture who had fallen off one of the lorries in Bosnia erm one of the refugee lorries and was running along trying to catch up with her parents .
16 One sample in seven contained residues in 1986 and the level had fallen to one sample in 20 in the first eight months of this year .
17 Responsibility for disposing of this fleet , which Boeing employees had nicknamed ‘ The Aluminium Cloud ’ , had fallen to one of the company 's most experienced salesmen , R.Q Wilson — a tall , cadaverous man whose Brooks Brothers suits , and the ostentatious flashes of gold at his wrist , cuff and spectacle-rims actually belied a distinctly English politesse and gentility .
18 The 72-hole tussle ended square at two games each but the countback , including a recount , concluded that XEU had won by one hole .
19 Another advantage of the gens system was that you could keep the fortune you had amassed in one incarnation and use it in the next .
20 ‘ Poor old Home Office ’ , Soskice had minuted on one file .
21 By 1959 , the proportion had dropped to one fifth .
22 And Ace had dropped to one knee , raised her arm , pulled back her sleeve and launched a sliver of a projectile from a harness strapped against her skin .
23 Scathach slung the clothing he had looted across one of the horses which still paced nervously in the enclosure .
24 Crocheted antimacassars graced the backs of all the chairs although it was many years since a gentleman with pomade on his hair had sat in one of them .
25 Even in cases in the past , where he had looked for one and found none , he had always felt if he had searched harder or been luckier , then the answer would have been found .
26 He had looked at one , years ago , but it had taken him three days to read it , carefully , from cover to cover , by which time he realized that , if he was going to do the thing at all conscientiously , he would never be abreast of current developments .
27 Johnson , as he did at Montrose , also employed much silence , and many who had come to one social occasion or another expecting to hear the grand disquisitioner , found him disappointingly reticent and withdrawn , even if making little antic noises to himself .
28 However , after spending some time amid the pandemonium of this noisy office , Anita had come to one definite conclusion : Laura might well earn an absolute fortune — reputedly a quarter of a million pounds a year — but , as far as Anita was concerned , she certainly deserved every penny !
29 For the first time in her life , Louisa had come into one of the dwellings of the Coketown Hands ; for the first time in her life , she was face to face with anything like individuality in connection with them .
30 But by then , the show-down had come from one of support for the clergyman to one of outright resistance to the regime .
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