Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Remarkably , by the time the boy reached London , contrary to the general prognosis , the ulcer had healed sufficiently to avoid any major surgery .
2 He had jumped down to open the carriage door for her and Charlotte and the child made to get in .
3 Last year , it seemed he had matured enough to fulfil himself but a cruel succession of injuries denied him .
4 Becker 's case was notable because he was captured by the widely-circulated photographs , but he argued that he had intended only to fire a warning shot .
5 ‘ But we had arranged not to go until next week .
6 Later still , by the mid 1960s when the various organisations within the broad front of the civil rights movements had developed sufficiently to conduct their own educational programs , Highlander changed direction again in the thrust of its educational programs .
7 Some pages had apparently been torn out and separately burnt ; the brittle fragments of black ash had floated down to lie on top of the debris under the grate , old twisted matchends , coal dust , carpet fluff , the accumulated grit of years .
8 Before breakfast on Saturday 18 August 1759 Boscawen was in sight of his quarry , or part of it , for eight of the Frenchmen had broken away to make for Cadiz .
9 Charlie had stopped by to speak to Josie as he 'd said he would , but Lucy had n't been present at the time .
10 He had stopped off to collect some winnings at a nearby betting shop before going to pay his gas bill and deposit three years ' savings at a bank .
11 Had the time come to forget the promise they had made each other , the guarantee they had given never to meet or speak ?
12 He picked up the two grips and the empty suitcase Tom Rooney had given then to lend credence to their story .
13 These were groups of people with a common bond who had joined together to make regular contributions into a pool from which they could borrow at low rates of interest .
14 When the old Major , so soon to die , had travelled secretly to see his son and meet her , she recognized his courtesy because he was a gentleman , but there was no welcome and no warmth in him .
15 This sum had first been mentioned in January 1991 as the amount necessary to fund the absorption of Soviet immigrants in Israel , and in February a smaller US loan guarantee to fund the housing of immigrants had only been approved after the Israeli authorities had undertaken not to use the funds in the occupied territories [ see p. 38023-24 ] .
16 The Israeli government had undertaken not to use the funds in the occupied territories , but Shamir also now declared that " the momentum of increasing immigration goes hand in hand with the momentum of settlement " .
17 The once gleaming whitewash was dark and smoke-blackened ; in places the plaster had fallen away to reveal the messy rubble-walling beneath .
18 Earlier in the day Jaguar shares had fallen back to close 46p down at 685p as speculators cashed in their stock for large profits .
19 The traveller then saw that he was sitting right on the edge of a cliff , and if he had leaned over to get the log he would have fallen to his death .
20 But then , when he had leaned forward to brush her cheek , her neck , she had moved back as if he had transgressed , and all his knowledge of her had been shattered by her refusal .
21 The man in the driving-seat had leaned across to watch him through the hood-slits .
22 Then her face cleared ; when she had leaned across to kiss Richard she must have nudged it off , and no doubt she would find it in her car when he brought it back in the morning .
23 This was the Luton Post Office murder , and although , in view of my long labours on the Meehan case , I had resolved not to take up any more cases , this was one that I did not see how I could refuse .
24 She was not very steady on her feet and she kept thinking how she had resolved not to do this , but her thought processes were blurred and hazy .
25 Nevertheless , the Vietnamese people had resolved not to accept any path other than the socialist one .
26 Ludens was by now , in an ordinary sense , more used to being with Marcus , less afraid of ‘ saying the wrong thing ’ , and had resolved today to ask a crude question which had been troubling him for some time .
27 Mrs Wright had dropped off to sleep again , making a kind of whistling noise through her mouth .
28 She had dropped off to sleep in spite of herself , and now it was a black night with a wind getting up that was making the beech trees creak and rattling a shutter on one of the upper windows .
29 They had dropped in to pick up Bill , who was of necessity going without Faye this year , and the sight of Tom in a black dinner suit and a shirt so white that it was almost ultra-violet had rocked Belinda 's usual state of equilibrium where their friendship was concerned .
30 As luck would have it , Sophie had had no arrangement of her own for this evening , and , either forgetting our pact , or not taking my need for it seriously as she knew my activities were , on her terms , so innocent , had dropped in to borrow some coffee .
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