Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Lutyens had been struck by the emphasis she had placed on the word — and on her choice of it ; chaste was not a word Miss Jekyll usually employed when planning her gardens , and Lutyens bore it in mind throughout — hence the austerity to which he adhered on the terraces .
2 She did not pause for an answer , but bent down and snatched up a roll of paper which she had placed on the floor beside her when she first sat down .
3 That rainwater began to splash over the lenses of two of the torches that Jimmy had placed on the floor , creating a dancing and hellish kaleidoscope of light in the basement .
4 She eased herself into a sitting position and groped for the heavy torch she had placed on the shelf by her bunk .
5 He was hoping to hit bottles he had placed on the roof of the garage opposite .
6 He was not very good about women 's clothes , only noticing whether they were becoming or not , but he recognised the quality of hers , and of the big leather handbag she had placed on the desk .
7 One could ask , therefore , what role is ascribed in Formalist theory to the author , on whom biographical criticism had been based ; what had become of the reality which mimetic and historically orientated theories had placed at the centre of their concerns ; and finally what function it gives to thought , which had been the focus of philosophically biased criticisms .
8 He knelt down by a familiar mound and after a moment 's hesitation yanked out the cross that he had placed at the head of the grave .
9 Over a cup of tea in the departure lounge he asked about the red rose I had placed by the wall , and so I told him of the red , white and blue wreath at Bayeux , of the other red roses on the graves of the crew , and of the ‘ Peace ’ rose which we had brought from England .
10 As she returned downstairs at her home in Pym Street , South Bank , Middlesbrough , a table top which the babies ' dad , Brian , had placed behind the front room door fell over trapping her .
11 His solemn burial was at Constantinople alongside the cenotaphs of the twelve apostles which he had placed in the church of the apostles on the city 's highest hill .
12 He found the bag of bread and sultanas that Philip had filled for the pheasants .
13 Unless some merchants had withdrawn to the country , while continuing to manage their businesses there must have been significant investment in urban industry and commerce by the agricultural sector to maintain the balance between town and country in West Sussex .
14 We hurtled at speed back to our ship , and Posi got us away about two nanoseconds after the Manport had withdrawn to the Fraxillian liner .
15 Instead , within seven years , Hepworth had declared himself bankrupt and Stoll had withdrawn from the production business , having lost some £200,000 from its various production ventures .
16 Once it had withdrawn from the BCOA , Pittston rejected the union contract and cut off health benefits to 1,500 widows , disabled miners , and pensioners .
17 Once he had withdrawn from the scene their natural antipathy to landlords re-asserted itself .
18 Though remarkably free from bitterness , the sergeant had withdrawn from the company of his friends to an alarming extent , even allowing for his love of literature .
19 Tim Waterstone declined to expound on the decision , beyond saying that Waterstones had withdrawn from the concession for commercial reasons and was now re-entering it for commercial reasons .
20 While they had been delayed by Duvall 's attack on Devlin , the thing had withdrawn from the basement window and lurched through the storm to the front of the building .
21 When the ladies had withdrawn from the dinner-table , a conversation began about the Highlanders and their linen .
22 When Carradine was shot down , Yggdrasil had withdrawn from the Dream , feeling the hurt a whale might feel from a tick .
23 The doubts about Mr Lamont 's survival grew after it was disclosed that he had withdrawn from the panel on BBC TV 's Question Time programme tomorrow , with Mr Clarke replacing him .
24 Bommai was elected to the post unopposed after Hukumdeo Narayan Yadav and S. Jaipal Reddy had withdrawn from the contest .
25 Four other airlines , Alitalia ( Italy ) , American Airlines ( United States ) , KLM ( Netherlands ) , and Varig ( the main Brazilian carrier ) had withdrawn from the tender .
26 The ( MPRP ) Chair of the Council of Ministers , Sharavyn Gungaadorj , had withdrawn from the contest before the voting commenced .
27 On Oct. 5 the consortium led by the US Bell Atlantic Telephone Company had withdrawn from the purchase of Entelnor , which was eventually bought by a consortium formed by the Italian state telecommunications company STET SpA , France Cable and Radio ( part of French Telcomm ) , Perez Co ( a local oil , fishing and banking group ) and the US bankers J.P .
28 The regular Lebanese Army , under the command of Gen. Emile Lahud , began deploying throughout the whole of greater Beirut on Dec. 3 after various Lebanese militias had withdrawn from the area .
29 Although Duke had contested the election as a Republican , he had been disowned by most of the party 's establishment , and the official Republican candidate had withdrawn from the contest in order to avoid splitting the anti-Duke vote .
30 When pressed upon the issue , Hawke admitted the deal , but claimed that he had withdrawn from the arrangement in December 1990 after Keating had made " treacherous " remarks to the press about his leadership .
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