Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 're too hot , ’ continued Jenny , lifting the coat Billie had placed for extra warmth on her bed .
2 In anticipation of an army coup , Croatia and Slovenia had placed on alert the security forces under their control — the police and the newly formed gendarmerie , the so-called specijalci .
3 She saw how the dark room had filled with transparent figures who marched along the walls singing and mocking , who wrapped themselves around her so that she was suffocated in their embrace , then turned to broken bricks and choking mortar dust which cascaded in torrents on to her , flattening her to the bed so that her limbs ached with pain and she could n't move .
4 On Sept. 27 Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi announced that as a result of the agreement reached between de Klerk and Mandela , his predominantly Zulu Inkatha Freedom Party had withdrawn from constitutional talks .
5 Both vessels had withdrawn from Colombian territorial waters by Jan. 9 and the incident did not prevent a meeting taking place between representatives from Colombia , Peru and Bolivia on Jan. 10 in Santa Cruz , Bolivia , for the purpose of preparing the ground for the international drug summit ( which Bush was expected to attend ) scheduled to begin in the Colombian city of Cartagena on Feb 15 .
6 Boy looked at the pictures of the moustached and uniformed characters with some relish ; but he could n't finish the text , and so missed the single paragraph that Mother had circled in black ink .
7 And from the distance they looked like small stars of the sky that had formed into new constellations and drifted away on the still water .
8 Nevertheless , in the last analysis he was most influenced by the composite picture he had formed of Iberian art he had seen , although one particular head which remained in the Louvre seems especially relevant to the central figures of the great canvas .
9 Of those companies surveyed , 56 per cent had no formal environmental policy , and only 29 per cent had referred to environmental concerns in their annual reports .
10 Zuno had been convicted at an earlier trial but Rafeedie had set aside the verdict on the grounds that the prosecution had referred in closing arguments to matters not in evidence .
11 The flagstones were slippery and so hollowed out by three centuries of passing feet that along some of the walkways the puddles had coalesced into shallow canals .
12 The things they had grazed on lay around the bed — the remnants of a baguette , some salami , tomatoes , a pot of cottage cheese , a big wooden bowl of fruit .
13 A large crowd had gathered since early morning .
14 With a touching faith in our law-abiding qualities the demonstrators had gathered in large numbers with their eggs and tomatoes around the hospital entrance marked IN .
15 Whatever , the seven hundred had gathered in earnest and , just prior to the band 's flamboyant saunter on to the stage , the International doors were flung open in dramatic fashion .
16 True since the early 1960s the British had gathered in wet fields to hear jazz , and rock and the movie Jazz : On A Summer 's Day with its tantalizing performance by Chuck Berry helped break the hold of cool on popular music .
17 Fr Antony S Kirupakaran , the Director of Santhome Communications Centre and a member of WACC , welcomed film and television professionals who had gathered from different parts of India to attend the festival .
18 The term ‘ local state ’ gained critical acceptance and helped place on a new conceptual stage the mass of research and political activity that had gathered around local , or community , politics since the late 1960s. for those on the radical left , the state , and of course the local state , came to be seen as a site of competing political interests rather than as a neutral set of administrative institutions .
19 As a senior member of the banking committee in the late 1980s , he had intervened with federal regulators on behalf of Charles H. Keating , while soliciting about $1,000,000 in political contributions from Keating 's Lincoln Savings and Loan Association [ see pp. 37848 ; 37998 ; 38223 ] .
20 The Hindu of Feb. 24 reported that United States officials had intervened in late January to dissuade the Pakistani Army from intervening in Kashmir .
21 Some Romanians claim ( not unreasonably though without evidence ) that Nicolae and Elena Ceauşescu were diabolists who had arranged for certain black magical and other superstitious figures to be carved in the decorations of the Casa Republicii or hidden in the overall design and visible only to other satanic initiates of the occult .
22 I have had discussions with the various groups and I am convinced that a solution could have been arrived at if the Minister had arranged for collective discussions to take place .
23 The evening tide had been a modest eighteen footer and had ebbed to low water an hour ago .
24 This habit had caused severe bowel difficulties which had culminated in repeated manual extractions of a large bolus of clogged material in her rectum .
25 A great mimic , he had developed for English society an accent which outclassed the Brits around him .
26 In many cases these responses had developed without clear policy decisions having been taken .
27 Not only was he one of the very rare examples of a writer who produced great work in more than one genre , but in a career which spanned nearly 60 years , his talent had developed from traditional Victorian fiction to innovative 20th century poetry .
28 The order of service in the Primers had developed from monastic devotions , added to the main office from the eighth century onwards , to remember the dead ( the office of the dead ) , and to celebrate understanding of the role of the Virgin Mary in the working of the faith — the Hours of the Virgin .
29 This point had become confused and lost in the over-socialized conception of man which had developed in modern sociology .
30 The web of diplomatic contacts which had developed in western and central Europe over the last 200 or more years was now being extended further east by the full incorporation in it for the first time of the great new emerging state of Russia : henceforth events in eastern Europe were to be far more significant in the calculations of statesmen in the west than ever in the past .
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