Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Some of them had plaited scraps of cloth in their long black hair and all wore beads around their necks .
2 Port Vale 's FA Cup run has hampered Rovers in their chase for Vale boss John Rudge , who they had placed top of their shortlist for the managerial vacancy .
3 Following Broca 's ( 1861 , 1865 ) analyses of aphasia in right.handed patients who had sustained lesions of the left frontal lobe , Jackson ( 1868 ) drew attention to the case of a left handed patient who had become aphasic following a presumed right.sided lesion .
4 For many years they had formed part of The Market Place surface .
5 He indicated that he would introduce whatever evidence he thought to be appropriate , regardless of whether such evidence had formed part of the reasons for the suspension or not .
6 These texts were often inscribed on woodwork which had formed part of the old rood screens , reredoses , and triptychs ; this was the case at Binham Priory in Norfolk , where the medieval paintings of saints are now showing through the worn whitewash and black-letter Protestant text .
7 Set against the resentment which their greed aroused , the administrative reforms which the younger Despenser together with the Chancellor Robert Baldock and the Treasurer Walter Stapleton implemented between 1322 and 1326 were of little political significance , despite the fact that some of their measures , such as the reduction in the financial independence of the Wardrobe , had formed part of the Ordainers ' programme in 1310 .
8 Among the lands earlier ceded to the abbey of St Denis was the Vexin français , that natural bulwark between the French royal demesne and the now hostile Norman duchy , which had been held as a Norman fief , had formed part of Simon de Crépy 's state ( see p. 216 ) , and finally was reclaimed for the French crown by Philip I. The Vexin had had a comital family , in origin probably the advocates for the abbey ; but Philip had bypassed their claims , granting the territory to the young prince Louis , who met with such opposition in the area that it was not until 1119 that his possession was secured .
9 Sihanouk 's return ended almost 13 years in exile , where he had formed part of the tripartite " Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea " with the Khmers Rouges and the Khmer People 's National Liberation Front ( KPNLF ) led by Son Sann .
10 Two Iraqis , aged 29 and 49 , were sentenced to death on May 5 for informing on and torturing Kuwaitis who had formed part of the resistance to the Iraqi occupation of 1990-91 .
11 A contemporary physician in Barcelona , Dr Diza de Isla , wrote that syphilis had been unknown until that date and that he had treated members of the crew for ‘ bubas ’ and the ‘ serpentine disease ’ .
12 Frans Hals had painted portraits of girls who could only be described as plain , but something lively and piquant redeemed them .
13 The headmistress had tried to insist that she go on a racial awareness course , she who had taught children of different races for over twenty years .
14 Evidence relating to Weizmann 's PLO contacts was revealed by Shamir on Jan. 1 , when he alleged that Israel 's internal security service Shin Bet had recently monitored a telephone conversation between Weizmann and a Palestinian activist in Tunis , and that the Israeli secret intelligence service Mossad had gathered evidence of a meeting in Switzerland in June 1989 between Weizmann and Nabil Ramlawi , the PLO 's Geneva representative .
15 Sophie concentrated on the sweetness of the apple and by the time she had gathered drops of juice along her tongue , Lori was below her , lying on the turf and crying because she had fallen in the near-dark .
16 Mary had provoked sensations of his childhood ; one of them was this womb-echoing self-conscious snugness indoors , safe from outside turbulence .
17 The visit , albeit unofficial , had provoked expressions of concern from the Chinese ambassador in Moscow .
18 A former member of the South African Defence Force ( SADF ) , Sgt. Felix Ndimene , said that he had served in a special forces unit which had carried out the massacre in September 1990 of 26 passengers in a Johannesburg-Soweto train [ see p. 37698 ] , an incident which had provoked weeks of violence in the Johannesburg region between ANC and Inkatha supporters .
19 The bilateral agreement signed by Klaus and Meciar in July had foreseen dissolution of the existing state by Sept. 30 , but left several issues unresolved [ see p. 39015 ] .
20 Both members and visitors were attracted by a varied tennis programme , supported by the squash section who had arranged activities of their own .
21 Hitch had arranged details of the job and Plummer felt safe enough with him dealing with it .
22 Throughout these stormy years , however , he had refuted criticisms of his work with patience and gentle good manners .
23 All six had conquered hardships of their own to help those in need and Celebrities Guild founder Ella Glazer said : ‘ They 're all remarkable people and it 's a pleasure for us to reward them for work which might otherwise go unmarked . ’
24 Michoacán had witnessed months of demonstrations and protests by supporters of the Party of the Democratic Revolution ( PRD ) , who claimed that the PRI had cheated them of victory in the July 12 state elections [ see pp. 39000-01 ] .
25 The Military Council , which in 1990 had stripped Moshoeshoe of his powers and installed his son Letsie III on the throne [ see pp. 37238 ; 37306 ; 37843 ] , had made it clear , however , that it was not prepared to countenance the return of Moshoeshoe as king .
26 Some changes to the electoral law had redefined numbers of seats in each of Romania 's 42 counties according to population .
27 Within 12 hours of starting the intravenous amiodarone the liver function tests were noticeably abnormal and hge had developed signs of hepatic encephalopathy ( grade 1 ) .
28 In three days , the gimcrack furniture had become familiar and the two of them had developed habits of eating and passing time that was consoling , like the lives of spies in a loft .
29 She had a divinity degree from London University and had completed part of a law course at Lagos University when she was admitted to the faculty in 1983 as an entrant preparing to sit her bar exams .
30 Back in England for Christmas , he wrote some of his finest poems , collected and copied others , and by the end of March had completed manuscripts of Alamein to Zem Zem and a volume of poems .
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