Example sentences of "had [adv] [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 He had badly wanted to sign off with a first victory in Adelaide and a record 10th in a single season .
2 He found he was angry with himself for leaving his seat ; he had badly wanted to hear what his father was about to say , but the all-too-familiar sound of him praising his brother had produced its usual feeling of agitation .
3 Mr Jimmy Knapp , general secretary of the National Union of Railwaymen , said yesterday that BR had since moved to stem excessive overtime by ordering a maximum working week of 72 hours .
4 Hegerty , 62 , of Park Street , Ruabon , gave himself up after confessing to a priest , but had since tried to kill himself .
5 Until the end of the last year , 23rd Precinct , the label , had conspicuously failed to emulate the success of the specialist Glasgow dance music store from whence the label was launched .
6 At one time he tried to assemble his thoughts in some way ; would it be better to go back to a law-office stool , with prospects of promotion , such as he had thankfully left to go to Glasgow , to Oxford , then to London ?
7 He had even provided , as an antagonist to North , a fictional member of the NSC , ‘ Aaron Sykes ’ , whose job it was to give flesh and voice to those invisible and voiceless colleagues who had presumably tried to dissuade North from what he was doing : to appear , as the Laws appeared to Socrates , ‘ humming in his ears ’ , about the offence he would cause to country , friends and laws if he did what seemed to him the right thing .
8 But his mother had nothing to do except care for him , and this she had blatantly failed to do .
9 Sally-Anne could see that the good doctor , as she had naughtily begun to call him , was going to take a great deal of delight in mercilessly teasing her about Mr Sands .
10 In fact , the way I had instinctively started to limp turned out to be the best : a short step on the left heel with the leg stiff and a long springing step on the right .
11 What they had eventually decided to sell before they went to bed that night ( or the following morning really ) were Great-Uncle Hilbert 's do–en Waterford sherry glasses .
12 Unfortunately , being a Sunday , the department had been closed , but Switchboard had eventually managed to contact one of the Records staff .
13 When they had eventually managed to get him out of the house he 'd helped her to carry the remaining dishes from the dining-room , a thing he never did .
14 When her alarm woke her up the next morning , she felt heavy-eyed and lacking in energy , but that was probably because her sleep had been long in coming and had been plagued with dreams when she had eventually managed to drop off .
15 In her first term at St Cecilia 's there 'd been a girl who 'd had the gift of levitation , a disturbed girl called Julie who had been able to float eight feet above the ground , whom Miss Scuse had eventually had to have removed .
16 Nevertheless , Kirov had discreetly continued to drop vague references , recall some fictitious anecdote concerning Vologsky 's parents .
17 Surely this was the news they had most wanted to hear .
18 Ironically , therefore , the French rejection of EDC resulted in what France , in originally introducing the Pleven Plan , had most desired to avoid : the creation of a separate West German army .
19 Somehow he knew that she felt in need of comfort that weekend — even that provided by the man she had most cause to hate .
20 The other irritant was the discovery by hundreds of English-speaking Quebeckers , who had courageously chosen to send their children to schools where the teaching is in French , that they had thereby deprived their grandchildren of the right to be taught in English if they wished .
21 Despite adequate possession , Leicester had rarely threatened to pierce a Tranmere defence who fought as if they were also involved in the top of the table excitement .
22 He bored easily and though he loved beautiful women of all dimensions and aspects , he had rarely bothered to see them twice if there was not some fire of the spirit or intelligence to intrigue him .
23 The fact that they had mostly borrowed to modernise their economies and communications infrastructures in order to be able to participate more effectively in the global economy merely added piquancy to their plight .
24 The Washington Post of Oct. 28 reported that US intelligence agencies had recently discovered that Israel had exported key ballistic missile components to South Africa , but that President Bush had secretly decided to waive the sanctions against Israel required under the 1990 Appropriations Bill .
25 We knew from listening to the Allied radio that groups of partigiani , partisans , had secretly started to organize them selves , and young men of military age were advised to go into hiding to avoid being sent to Germany or conscripted .
26 Willis had never known many children , and until Nenna had come to the boats he had rather tended to forget there were such things .
27 Managers and clinicians had rather come to view each other as protagonists in the constant battle for resources .
28 However , as he had continued to see her , monopolising every free moment of her time , she had slowly come to accept that he was indeed ‘ interested ’ .
29 While listening to Mrs Wimbush 's diatribe , Juliet had slowly come to realise that although this was Thorn House it was no longer the maternity home Elaine had known .
30 The powerful Banking Association reportedly welcomed the treaty as an important step in improving Panama 's international image despite the fact it had successfully lobbied to preserve regulations guaranteeing banking secrecy which the USA had wanted removed .
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