Example sentences of "had [adv] seen [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He pulled the table closer to the fire and draped his cloak over it to dry , but his movements lacked the usual lithe , co-ordinated strength Isabel had hitherto seen in him , and she noticed that he was n't using his left arm at all .
2 It was a world beyond my wildest dreams ; one I had only seen on celluloid in the cinema at Fontanellato .
3 It was also a revelation to see the wildlife — birds and animals which I had only seen in Zoos were free for me to enjoy .
4 It might have been transported from the South of France , one of those lush semi-palaces I had only seen in photos .
5 Every time Dustin saw his name in block letters on the marquee of a movie house , he was assailed with thoughts of his own mortality , a subject that constantly obsessed him , especially as he had already seen into the abyss .
6 He had already seen to it that fodder had been stored in stone-built barns situated at strategic points on lower pastures .
7 A good deal of the historical footage I had already seen over the years and some of it , such as the dreadful footage of the Warsaw Ghetto , was only too familiar .
8 On transferring his official residence from Burgos to Madrid , in October , Franco " toured the Sierra de Guadarrama , looking for a place he had already seen during the war " in which he planned to locate his war memorial .
9 It was a reworking of the same materials apropos Hungary as I had already seen in Prague apropos Czechoslovakia .
10 Of this , comparatively little was from Walter Machin himself , and some of these Greg had already seen in the Sunday paper articles .
11 When he took the ale into the warm farmhouse living room and saw everyone standing around the crackling log fire with food and drinks in their hands , he thought again of what he had just seen through the kitchen window .
12 They were then asked to recall the story they had just seen in either sign ( deaf and bilinguals ) or in speech ( hearing people ) .
13 And that morning 's takings had trebled and brought her new custom , for he had always seen to it that he was shod well and had good small clothes and shirts .
14 Frequently a Georgian house which I had always seen from the road and considered to be all of one date , was revealed , when I came to knock on its door , to be purely a façade built on to a much earlier building .
15 There before him stood one of the tallest , thinnest men he had ever seen outside a circus .
16 Another sneeze dawned and he reached yet again for his handkerchief , an object which Milton felt was about as disgusting as anything he had ever seen outside the occasional severed head in a motorway accident .
17 Too many legs though , round luminous eyes , and more complicated mandibles than any arachnid Ace had ever seen on Earth .
18 The very sky smelt of frost though a sun bigger than she had ever seen on Mars still shone remote between gold-fringed clouds .
19 This happened to me in May this year when I walked into ‘ Pluggers ’ shop ( Wet Pet of Detroit ) and saw the most beautiful pair of Ornate Birchirs ( Polypterus ornatipinnis ) I had ever seen for sale .
20 She wore new black button-up boots and on her head was perched the largest black hat I had ever seen with a black bird on top .
21 The Crown Princess , the future High Queen , beautiful and untried , and more desirable than any woman Fergus had ever seen before or since .
22 He took them to Mahala Andrews , an expert in fossil fishes at the Chambers Street Museum to learn that these were specimens no-one had ever seen before and they included a species of fresh water shark .
23 The dockside was the busiest place Ruth had ever seen in her life .
24 He led her into the bedroom , which was glowing with an intense white light like nothing she had ever seen in England .
25 Standing beside Dennis was the best-looking man she had ever seen in her life .
26 In front of me sat the smartest and most alert looking person I had ever seen in my life .
27 Then he turned and went out , leaving Ellie to stare speechlessly at the most money she had ever seen in her life .
28 He was the best-looking boy she had ever seen in her life .
29 More diamonds than she had ever seen in her life .
30 They were certainly the ugliest animals I had ever seen in all my travels .
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