Example sentences of "had [prep] [art] end " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Though of course there was also that long leave he had towards the end of the war . ’
2 The Italian authorities had previously said that those remaining , out of an estimated 24,000 , had until the end of July to find jobs , obtain political asylum , or be deported [ see p. 38351 ] ; the Italian attitude changed quickly , however , when on Aug. 7 a new flotilla of refugee boats appeared off Adriatic ports , with an estimated 17,000 people aboard .
3 It had in the end been a spectacular departure ; Phoebe 's final fling with overpowering emotion .
4 But planning was what he liked , and he had contingency plans , too , for whatever news he had in the end of Katelina , good or bad .
5 William had been his yard foreman , caring for the horses as well as being in charge of the carmen , and yet all the years of friendship and good service had in the end counted for nothing .
6 The reference to developed socialism had in the end been retained , Gorbachev explained , partly because it figured in the programmes of other ruling parties , but mainly because the term had been misrepresented .
7 The style of " internal " Frankish politics had involved many confrontations , many feints and pursuits , many rituals of rebellion , but all previous potential conflicts between rival Carolingians had in the end been resolved by talk and compromise , and rituals of conciliation like shared acts of worship .
8 Everybody talks about the five he had at the end and the last hole , but he missed less than a two-foot putt on the first in the first round .
9 When they did converse , she said little and mostly listened ; it had only recently struck Angelica that she knew almost nothing more about Alina now than she had at the end of that first day .
10 All I had at the end was a sore hand and broken fingernails .
11 The Renaissance State consisted , at bottom , of an ever-expanding bureaucracy which , although at first a working bureaucracy , had by the end of the sixteenth century become a parasitic bureaucracy ; and this ever expanding bureaucracy was sustained on an equally expanding margin of ‘ waste ’ : ‘ waste ’ which lay between the taxes imposed on the subjects and the revenue collected by the Crown .
12 Unlike almost the whole of the rest of Roman law , trusts had by the end of the classical period been actionable in cognitio for centuries .
13 Social and economic change and political and industrial movements had by the end of the century made ‘ the social question , a more central political and intellectual issue than it had been in 1870 .
14 Irwin , or any Viceroy , had by the end of the twenties only two possibilities before him : either to follow , for as long as British willpower and resources lasted , an unending road of remorseless repression , or to parley , more or less as an equal with Gandhi and his adjutants with a view to guiding the country , maybe fairly slowly but nonetheless unrelentingly , towards self-government .
15 The Bank of France had by the end of October recovered 90 per cent of the F160,000 million it had spent on supporting the franc on currency markets in September .
16 The posolskii prikaz ( department of embassies ) , founded in 1549 , had by the end of the sixteenth century become a substantial organisation employing almost a score of clerks .
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