Example sentences of "had [noun sg] at the " in BNC.

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1 China , on the other hand , had reunification at the back of its mind .
2 He 'd worked and taught at the Magic Theater in San Francisco ; had therapy at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur with Fritz Perls ; worked in New York with Chaikin and La Mama .
3 We had tea at the Savoy together and I dropped Mrs Blaney at her Chelsea house before returning here at about half past five .
4 Wickham grasped the position and Beales confirmed it , saying : ‘ I had lunch at the Black Friar with a woman friend .
5 By 1378 he had been described as master of all Wykeham 's masonry works at Bishop 's Waltham Palace , Hampshire , and also had charge at the episcopal manors of Highclere and Farnham , Surrey ( J. N. Hare in Archaeological Journal , vol. cxlv , 1988 , p. 239 ) .
6 Considering Rush had meningitis at the age of six , spent three weeks in an oxygen tent and alarmingly lost weight through illness , he 's not done badly .
7 Oh he might be away for thre , cos I know he had golf at the Belfry this week , and then when he comes back he 's being picked up by a car to take him to the Belfry again , cos we 're entertaining there for a weekend 's golf .
8 He said 56 people had treatment at the hospital , mostly for shrapnel wounds .
9 Group two had recurrence at the site of the original tumour , and group three had recurrence elsewhere in the bladder .
10 They had dinner at the Trocadero in Shaftesbury Avenue before taking in the late show at the Windmill Theatre .
11 They had dinner at the hotel restaurant on their first night .
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