Example sentences of "had [be] [v-ing] in " in BNC.

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1 He had been serving in Cairo when my father was born , and afterwards the family came to live in England , as my grandfather was posted to the Military Academy at Sandhurst as an instructor .
2 He had been serving in France when he met her , they had married as soon as the Hun had been finished off , and after the honeymoon it had been back to the colours for him and straight over to Ireland .
3 Her husband had been serving in the British Merchant Navy on the Russian Convoy run but after 1943 he was receiving psychiatric treatment in Shropshire somewhere for his nerves .
4 This time there was no mistaking the command , but , short of trying out one of the manoeuvres she had been learning in a regular martial arts class , there was n't much she could do about it .
5 She and Jack had been swimming in the Thames near Twickenham .
6 Children were playing on the green , a wet labrador that had been swimming in the beck was drying out by the village cross , and there was just room amongst the people sat at the table outside the pub for one man and his dog .
7 There had been shelling in Casa Tampica and she had left her hair dye in the Holton Hotel .
8 The loss of Ozawa was seen by many as a serious blow to Kaifu 's position , not least because it removed the chief architect of the process of co-operation between the LDP , Komeito and the DSP which Ozawa had been constructing in the Diet .
9 On arrival , the leading group met up with Bob Melot who had been hiding in the area for several weeks gathering intelligence .
10 A woman accomplice , who had been hiding in one of the cubicles , came out and the two ran off , leaving the victim sprawled on the floor , said Acting Insp Smart .
11 He said the men had threatened his life , and even as he drove the victim to the beauty spot where the gang waited , one had been hiding in the boot of his car with a shotgun .
12 Reports at the turn of the year 1942–3 referring in the usual glowing terms of undiminished confidence of the people in ‘ its beloved Führer ’ and claiming that ‘ the person of the Führer was as always put beyond criticism ’ had been speaking in the conventional exaggerations of the regime 's apparatchiks .
13 The conversation had been unsettling in other ways .
14 He had been boxing in South Africa for three years and , according to boxing historian Gilbert Odd , had remained unbeaten for the first two years ( 1978 , pp.18–19 ) .
15 This time his powers of concentration were not helped by the fact that on a hot and humid Sunday afternoon in the Bois de Boulogne he was feeling awful : he had been wasting in order to ride Beaver II at nine stone ten pounds later in the afternoon , and was severely debilitated by a stomach upset which had kept him up all night .
16 The conference would be held in the USA under the auspices of the UN , which had been mediating in the Cyprus conflict since Turkey invaded and occupied 37 per cent of the island in 1974 [ see pp. 26661-66 ; 26709-10 ] .
17 Then Duncan 's son Malcolm , who had been sheltering in England all this time , joined forces with the Earl of Northumbria and , with Edward the Confessor 's approval , invaded Scotland in 1057 .
18 Andronikos had been digging in northern Greece for some 25 years when he discovered a vault in one of the narrow streets in the village of Virghina , west of Salonika .
19 When the political and moral credibility of the Soviet system collapsed in 1956 , something that had been slumbering in the depths of Sartre 's consciousness was suddenly reawakened .
20 The former concept had a crucial historical advantage at the birth of mechanics ; Western thinkers approaching things as materials which stay put until the craftsman or builder reaches for them , would not have started trying to measure how the inert is moved by external forces if they had been thinking in terms of inherently active ch'i .
21 Ianthe , who had been thinking in terms of daffodils and lemon barley water , had not seen herself being so practical .
22 She had been moving in large ellipses , crossing and recrossing her path in a complicated pattern .
23 They had been moving in a group , or trying to : actually , they had straggled widely at times .
24 Ian Clark and Nicholas Wheeler demonstrate the degree to which British thinking had been moving in this direction since 1943 .
25 The IDB president , Enrique Iglesias of Uruguay , had said on April 4 that although Japanese investment had been rising in Chile , Mexico , Brazil and Venezuela , " we see potential for much more " .
26 John Dalton eventually elicited the truth of his identity from him and offered him sanctuary as a hermit in his own home ( perhaps Richard had been reconnoitring in his disappearance before dinner ) and at his own expense .
27 Horst and Jurgen had been whistling in the dark .
28 In 1613 , for example , the king married his daughter Elizabeth to Frederick of the Palatinate , one of the leading figures of European Calvinism ; similarly , in 1618 four representatives of the English church attended the Synod of Dort , the conference called to resolve the bitter dispute which had been raging in the United Provinces over the doctrine of predestination .
29 A forest fire had been raging in the east all day and a giant red glow was silhouetting the peaks beyond Portoferraio .
30 Lefevre , who for some time had been shifting in his seat with every sign of impatience , relaxed and smiled .
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