Example sentences of "had [be] [v-ing] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 On the day she took her overdose , Pamela had been taking her end-of-term examination in Biology and English , but thought that she had done very badly .
2 Nigger Asnett , who had been taking it very easy since his homecoming , decided it was time to start work .
3 I did not suffer any side effects myself from the new drug but , after I had been taking it for nearly two years , I became pregnant .
4 I did not suffer any side effects myself from the new drug but , after I had been taking it for nearly two years , I became pregnant .
5 We had indeed , and Denis was in a filthy mood because his motorbike had died on him on the way into Cambridge and he had had to push it five miles back — and he had been taking his temper out on me ever since lunchtime .
6 Silas told me he had been taking you round the sheep . ’
7 In fact , she did possess mettle , though going round alone in the jeep was — I believe — just feminine carelessness , like the terrible state she 'd leave her room in for her maid : powder everywhere , pink for face , white for body ; her long , strong , glossy hairs in the sink , so you would have thought the orang-utan had been availing himself of the facilities and not a pretty young woman of thirty-one .
8 ‘ We had been disadvantaging ourselves , ’ Mr Miller conceded .
9 Investigators belatedly found that the head of the bank , 35-year old Robert Gravier , had been bilking it for millions .
10 Then came news of more freebies , rumours of worse stories to come , and Tory ministers and MPs realised what some had been telling them for weeks .
11 It was just as Joe had been telling her all her life .
12 The officers had been telling her about this particular woman who was very lonely .
13 Only ten minutes before , the current owner of the Rose Bowl , the rather oppressively genteel Miss Philimore , had been telling her about the wealthy local businessman who was one of the Rose Bowl 's best customers …
14 I suppose Mother had been telling her what a poor parish this is and what a pity Mark had n't taken a more wealthy living .
15 In doing so , he had to jettison most of what those close to him had been telling him for the past 16 months .
16 A member of the group mentioned that an uncle of his , a retired coal miner , had been telling him about Highlander , and it was suggested that Highlander might be willing to help in some way .
17 He commented on how much nicer towards him the family seemed to be , including Michael , who had been telling him about his own problems at work .
18 The country was beckoning again , and his friend van Rappard had been telling him about Drenthe , a remote moorland region in the north of Holland which was starting to attract artists .
19 If only he had listened to what his friend Dave Forbes had been telling him
20 People had been telling him he had the wrong attitude since he was potty trained .
21 Claudia wanted to laugh out loud — that was what she had been telling him for days , but under the joy she was aware of fear making itself known .
22 I had been telling him so for the last few weeks .
23 A few minutes later , as he turned right into the Banbury Road , now beginning to think once more with some semblance of rationality , Morse considered whether his witness had been telling him the whole truth .
24 Its withers will never win any of the races Ronnie had been telling himself about , and he is reluctant to return from this long , defeated , dark-thoughted walk to break the bad news or his adventure to his wife and daughters .
25 Only to find , first , that genuinely ill as he was , he had missed the local paper saying the psychopath had been caught , and that the compulsive liar Brenda had been telling everyone he was her lover , a rumour that had got back to his wife whose mac he had by mistake worn during the murder and had been unable to destroy .
26 Once I got the hang of it , I had been telling myself smugly , there would be nothing to stop us having a marvelous time for a glorious night and a day …
27 He had been telling his senior officers the story only that afternoon — the tale of T'sao and the Tanguts .
28 ROSS STRUDWICK had been telling us for weeks : the London Crusaders can become big-time .
29 Iain had been telling us how ten to fifteen thousand years ago early man had crossed from Mongolia to Alaska by way of the Aleutian chain of volcanic islands and then , over a period of some five millennia , had worked his way down through North and South America until finally he had reached Tierra del Fuego , living out the winters virtually naked except for the natural hair of his body .
30 All the while I had been telling my young passenger what I was going to do .
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