Example sentences of "had [adv] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The right which he had most clearly in mind was his claim to the French crown , which he asserted formally in his renunciation of homage three months later .
2 I registered every dog we had right up to 1969 .
3 In April 1949 ten European nations joined America and Canada in signing the North Atlantic Treaty in Washington , an alliance which ended any lingering fears that America might slip again into isolationism , as she had so disastrously after 1919 .
4 He half hoped she 'd bring back a burnt-offering , the way she had so often in their first few months of marriage , when she had deigned to cook for him .
5 He went into her giant bathroom to take his mind off things and stood there awhile between her mirrors , thinking not particularly of how he looked himself but mostly of the inflections that she had caught from Fred , and also of how it must feel to be this negligently perfect child , who had obviously never in her life spent herself combating a flaw .
6 Of course this sally , and the discovery of our locational ancestry opened the way to friendship , though we soon realised that we had much more in common , not least a sharp sense of humour , which we were both going to need .
7 We really had much more in common .
8 She began to understand that her working clothes had not just to be fashionable but also to cope with the vagaries of walkabouts , the intrusion of photographers and her ever-present enemy , the wind .
9 In determining whether goods are of a class to which an advertised trade description relates , s5(3) provides that regard shall be had not only to the form and content of the advertisement but also to the time , place , manner and frequency of its publication and all other matters making it likely or unlikely that a person to whom the goods are supplied would think of the goods belonging to the class in question .
10 In determining an appropriate dividend yield , regard should be had not only for comparable public company yields but allowance should also be made for factors such as non-negotiability , dividend cover , asset backing etc .
11 Hari took the money out of the old cracked teapot she kept on the shelf , she had just enough for the rent and she smiled in relief .
12 The need she had just then for a wild outpouring of physical exertion was stronger than anything else : she wanted to go on , pulling at the rope and screaming with laughter .
13 Millett J added that the question of whether or not the transcripts were in fact material evidence had more properly to be decided by the Crown Court .
14 They had like well for the sake of saying , pigeon co for food and even poultry food like , you know , such as er , well they used to call it Sharp 's and mix it up like into a mash , you know .
15 There 's somethin' offensive aboot seein' it destroyed as if it had nae right tae exist .
16 In their gorgeous knitted sweaters , these youngsters had far more in common with their Scandinavian cousins than with their fellow countrymen on the school ship from West Ham — though the two British groups got on fine , expressing mutual wonder at one another 's behaviour .
17 She had duly registered the death of her father at the Council Offices that afternoon and the funeral had now speedily to be carried out in Buckinghamshire .
18 But I had n't on with the horses .
19 I took , wait till I tell you come here , I I was gon na make Kelly and me sandwiches but I had n't enough for Dee and his girl and er I was n't gon na make tea for , for
20 The outcome by 1800 was that around a fifth of manufacturing output was exported compared with a third in 1700 , and that whereas manufactured goods had then up to a third of imports , by 1815 they hardly figured at all .
21 A good keeper ought to be able to become a better slip fieldsman than most of those NZ had there early in the international season .
22 Comments I had earlier on in our relationship had n't , he did n't seem very keen did he ?
23 " Why , as a matter of interest , " said Martin , calmly , as though the discussion up to this point had been quite unreliable , " did you have so many children , Candida ? " and Mrs Denham , strangely , took off her glasses , and frowned , and began to speak as though she had indeed up to this point been talking nonsense .
24 The increased numbers of people were housed by splitting up existing houses so that even modest cottages had sometimes up to twenty people living in them .
25 ‘ Scroungers ’ did exist , irresistibly when many were poor and charity was to be had sometimes merely for attending a church service ; and then as now there was a flourishing mythology of great sums inveigled from charity by shrewd layabouts .
26 The fascist enemy within France had quite simply to be unmasked and eradicated .
27 Where , in competition with the liquidator of an insolvent company , a creditor of the company was successful in obtaining a renewal of the certificate ( though he had neither right to , nor possession of , the premises in respect of which the certificate was granted ) and admitted that he held it in trust for the company 's creditors , he was ordered to deliver up the certificate to the liquidator : Wm .
28 By the late thirteenth century armies had very largely to be paid for , the feudal element being both small and hedged about with inconvenient restrictions on how long and where the cavalry might serve .
29 She was a witch , then , because he had never before in his life done such a thing with a girl in the street .
30 Whites had significantly more in privately rented accommodation ( confirming the census , Table 3 ) and had over half who had lived in their house less than three years , compared with about a quarter of Blacks and Asians ; they also had more than academic qualifications .
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